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Everything posted by J45678

  1. Its been 12 weeks since the infection of my piercing. I have no genital herpes symptoms and my recent blood work showed up negative. What worries me is I did recently get more little bumps in my mouth and my partners genital symptoms back in May.
  2. Hey, so I’m female 20 years old. I lived in Costa Rica for a year and got a piercing on my lip. Before the piercing I had unprotected oral sex. Then a couple of days later the piercing was a little swollen so I decided to take it out. I got a really bad lip infection and had small bumps in the back of my throat and tonsils. They looked like what pics in google photos are of oral Herpes.. I waited a month and then had unprotected oral again. I’m not sure if all the bumps were gone by that point. Since the infection cleared I had sex with another partner unprotected two months later after the initial lip and throat infection. He told me small red itchy “bubbles” appeared on his penis after we had sex but they went away. I didn’t know this information until a couple of days ago. Three weeks ago I got a small cold sore and waited a week for it to pass. Then I had unprotected oral and vaginal sex with a third partner. I got a throat infection with the bumps and two cold sores two days after the third partner. It’s been two weeks and they haven’t experienced any Genital symptoms. I have let them know what’s been going on. Also I have not experienced any Genital symptoms but I know a lot of people don’t. Currently I am not engaging in any sexual contact or kissing. I also took valacyclovir 1 gram for one day for the oral symptoms 11 days ago and got blood tested for both strains of Herpes two days after the medicine. The results came back negative. I’m just really worried because I do not want to infect anyone with anything. I also am very anxious about the bumps in my mouth and then my first partner experiencing bumps on his Penis. I told him to get tested many times but he lives in Costa Rica and doesn’t have insurance. All in all, I feel very anxious because I am only 20 years old I’ve never been in love before. I want to experience myself as a sexual human being but also don’t want for anyone to get anything from me. I also don’t know what to trust because I have been getting oral herpes symptoms and the blood tests can back negative. I am getting a second blood test tomorrow but can I trust that? I know there are fake positives just as highly as fake negatives. Thanks for listening to my ramble.
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