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  1. Wow my hair has been falling out, have no energy and thought my sneezing was hay fever never even thought to attribute it to the anti virals now I’m worried! 😭
  2. Hi I can understand the feeling of being alone but to put in perspective youre very lucky to have a partner it’s probably very likely he has it and didn’t know. A lot of us on this site including myself don’t have any partner in this and that makes the feeling of being alone tenfold. My giver said he didn’t know and then when I tried to make it work he completely stopped talking to me and ended up saying he feels too guilty he can’t even look at me. He reappaeared months later and had the balls to ask if I wanted to do something casual when I told him no and then opened up about how I was really struggling and had been in emergency because of this darn thing he ignored my messages! Despite not having a partner I can say I have opened up to family and friends about it as I feel it helps with the acceptance and healing. They have been nothing but supportive and treat me no differently. So I do recommend this to you if youre feeling alone you may find others in the same situation as you. And once you open up you can talk freely about it, I really think bottling it up only makes things worse. Also therapy! It’s crazy how much a third parties perspective who has no relationship with you (ie friend family) can help! They put it so simply and you can really hash every single little thing out plus more. There is also the people here on this website who are all in the same boat, I find it much more therapeutic of the person is in the same boat as people who don’t have it don’t really understand the mental stress it can cause. Also don’t think so far ahead think about one step at a time, first step may be telling your best friend or going to therapy whatever it is don’t be so much pressure on yourself to have to do something about it. There is nothing you can do about the actual virus but there is a whole lot you can do to love yourself despite it! Anyway you will get there I promise, I hope you feel better soon ❤️
  3. Also @Michgirl73 do you mind mentioning what side effects from the anti virals you got?
  4. I can’t say I’m the best to give advice as at the moment I am struggling however in the past things that have helped me are remembering the facts. When I went to hospital for an outbreak recently the doctor said to me 95% of people in the world have hsv and that I need to stop letting the virus control me and I need to control it. I know the more I stress about it the more outbreaks I get so I try to remind myself that its happened now and there is nothing I can do about it but move on and one day I will look back on this time when I have a family and husband and think how silly I was being. Look at the positives I know it seems like there are none but I think this virus basically forces you to really look after yourself which can prevent further diseases down the line. Also who knows the love of your life might also have hsv and you might have missed out on meeting them or turned them down if you didn’t have it. The universe works in mysterious ways. I know you say you wouldn’t want to risk anyone get it but through suppressive therapy and condoms risks of transmission are reduced to something like 5%, I hear about couples who have been together for years and never transmitted and I also hear about men who have gotten it from their partner but not cared since they knew it was the person they wanted to marry anyway. Also at the end of the day I wouldn’t want to be with someone who didn’t love me flaws and all! It really helps knock out all the people who’s intentions are only to use or manipulate you and shows the real genuine ones because for me personally if I met someone I really really liked there is no chance I would care if they got cold sores so why is it different for genital? It’s not and the ones who are worth it will think the same. Life deals everyone different cards and this is just the one we got.
  5. Well normally I go to gym 4-5 times a week, I walk my dog daily, eat a generally healthy diet 80/20 rule however I was still getting outbreaks and to be honest I have been so depressed I’ve dropped all that and started binge eating and not wanting to get out of bed and sleeping all the time. So that’s probably not helping but I guess I’ve given up a bit... thank you @Michgirl73 I’ll give the oregano oil and Vit C and hopefully helps!
  6. I’m on suppressive therapy, I have just switched to two times a day and a long term prescription where as before I was just taking them during outbreaks. I’m taking lysine for it in particular but I also take zinc, magnesium, iron and a b complex. All my doctor suggested was the anti virals and stress less so I’m at a loss I don’t know what more to do.
  7. I have been positive with genital hsv 2 for almost a year now, my initial outbreak was uncomfortable but bearable and from everything I had read that was meant to be the worst one so to be honest I dealt with my diagnosis well despite the initial mental blocks. Months went by and nothing I really thought this wouldn’t affect me. However about 5 months in another outbreak much worse but I got through it a month later another and then another. With the most recent one being so painful I went to the emergency room. It is at a point where it is constant, as one outbreak heals another comes up. And it’s in all different spots when originally I only got one lesion in the exact spot each time. I don’t feel my lifestyle has changed much or I’m more stressed so I’m so confused! Why is it only getting worse when everyone said the first is the worst. I’ve been using anti virals but they don’t seem to make much of a difference. Please help, this is getting to a point where it is unbearble and everyday I think about ending it all. I have no partner and feel I’ll be alone forever. Nor would I ever want to risk giving someone this hell of thing. I was able to deal with the virus with no outbreaks but when I’m constantly experiencing physical symptoms the mental ones get much much worse and I can’t cope. Does anyone any advice/natural remedies on reducing outbreaks?
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