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  1. I put cortisone down there and it seemed to help for a bit
  2. I’m so sorry about what you’ve been through. I don’t have any advice but I wanted to offer my support to you. ❤️ You seem like a very strong person with a good head on your shoulders.
  3. I just checked myself out because I am super itchy and it spread soooo much. I thought it was getting better but now it’s so much worse. Ugh I hate myself so much right now
  4. I recently found this forum after googling some symptoms I am having. 7 days ago; I woke up with inflammation. I thought I may have somehow got irritated but didn’t know how. The next day, i noticed a sore spot on my genitals and went to google. I looked at it and it was just one sore spot so i thought this may not be herpes. The next day, I had a cluster of sores in that area and two random ones in a different area. Now I’m fairly sure that I have the virus and now I think I know when I got it. Last February, I met a really nice guy. This was the first person I dated since having my then 1 year old daughter. Her father and I broke up when I was pregnant. We went on multiple dates and on Valentine’s Day we had protected sex. We continued seeing each other and having protected sex. I went over his house one day and gave him oral sex because I had my period. I noticed something near the top of his penis and asked him about it. He said it was chaffe from masturbation and I stupidly believed him. For some reason I thought herpes showed up on men’s testicles and not the penis. We continued seeing each other and eventually had unprotected sex. He said he was clean. I now believe that he knew what he had and just decided to not tell me. Looking back, about two weeks after one of our encounters, I got really itchy and sore down there but I thought it was from scratching. I now know this was my first outbreak. I feel so fucking stupid for believing this guy and not taking more precautions. Especially since I noticed something was off and took his word for it that it was nothing contagious. I have been with two other people since having been with this guy but have not had any outbreaks other than the initial one and my current one. Should I tell those two guys about my situation? I plan on going to the doctors on Tuesday to find out what type I have but I am certain that this is herpes. Should I confront the person who gave it to me? I keep going back and forth between accepting it and depression/anxiety. I am 26 years old, a college student, single mother and dancer. So I already have those things not in my favor for having a serious relationship and now this. I have recently resigned myself to the fact that I will not be able to have a serious relationship until I finish school and am no longer dancing, but I feel like now I am just doomed to be single forever. im so embarrassed and mad at myself right now. Sorry this is all over the place. Thanks for reading
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