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amber1326 last won the day on August 2 2018

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  1. I’ve had a couple not really be blisters, so to speak they almost look like small bug bites, is the only way I know how to explain it. For me I can feel a burning itching sensation, & a day or two later I get an OB. I usually try to take the antivirals as soon as I feel any kind of symptoms. Then it takes anywhere from 3-7 days to heal 100% depending how bad the OB
  2. Your welcome! It started on Monday for me, it’s not as bad as it was. For me each outbreak is different, some are very rough, some go away in a matter of days it just all depends on learning the signs & catching it so you can take the antivirals before it gets bad.
  3. Hello there, I just actually posted a thread about this, I was experiencing excruciating pain in my left leg. I was told it happens to a lot of people during an outbreak. Just take it easy rest as much as you can! I noticed for me it was almost easier to keep moving then to sit still for a while.! Best of luck!
  4. Like @kinator said, a trimming kit would be best. For less irritation!
  5. A virus can’t live long without the host.
  6. My partner & I both have it, unsafe sex is ok, just be careful. We both ended up contracting it orally.
  7. Thank you both for the feedback. Hoping it clears up soon! It certainly is quite excruciating, even just a brush of my hand would send pain throughout, it’s finally subsided. The OB lesions & flu like symptoms hit me like a train, it’s quite difficult to bring myself to go into work. I usually sleep a lot more & have no energy. The virus has taken a toll on me it feels like.
  8. Hello there, First off, they can do a blood test & it’ll show up in your blood but it takes a bit it took me about a month after my initial outbreak to show up in my blood tests. Your looking for blister looking lesions, my initial outbreaks, usually start with an itching burning feeling. I would definitely go get a blood test done, the er won’t be able to diagnose you without a visible lesion. If you have any other questions feel free to reach out! I wish you the best!
  9. Hello dear, I’m so sorry that’s happening, I’m also experiencing the same thing, my doctor advised me it was because of summer where I live. The constant moisture of a swimsuit & sweating can cause an OB. I’ve been on the daily 1 gram, it doesn’t seem to be helping. But I’ve found that aloe helps a ton! Try to stay away from bathing, it just irritates it more. If you ever need to talk I’m here!
  10. Hello dear. I know exactly how your feeling, the itching is BRUTAL, but it’s just part of the healing stage. Maybe the antibiotic cream could have also caused maybe a yeast infection? I know I’ll itch horribly as it’s healing, but it’s also a sign of when I’m about to have an OB. But that’s just my experience. Its super hard not to stress about, but stress is a major key in the triggers, try to destress as much as you can! Easier said then done, I know. But find a constant to keep your mind off of it while you heal and start to feel better. Rest as much as you can! It WILL get better!! I’ve been recently diagnosed back in October, I also went through countless doctors, you’ll find a silver lining! Alcohol can be a trigger as well, it’s different for each person. I’ve done countless research. It all depends on you. Best of luck!
  11. Hello all, I was recently diagnosed back in October, I get the horrible flu like symptoms every time, it comes on all at once. But I woke up today with a horrible start to an outbreak, my left leg is having shooting pains throughout, I’ve heard it was common. What’s your experience with it? What is the best way to calm the pain, I’m also 7 weeks pregnant. I’m super exhausted & I’m just at a loss, I’ve had outbreaks off & on since being diagnosed. I was on the daily 1 gram but for some reason not really explained, they took me off and just gave me a supply for when I have outbreaks. Thank you..sorry it’s kind of a wide variety of questions I’m new to this.
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