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  1. Thanks for all the great info Sunshine, it's really helpful, and sorry for the super late response - went overseas for work and life has been a whirlwind since!! I am doing ok so far, having introduced Lysine supplementation in addition to my daily anti-viral. Although I have been really cautious about the high arginine foods which I know many vegetarians/vegans rely on heavily so that will be the next phase of my experimentation - how much of those can I include!
  2. Do you have any of those reliable resources for lysine-arginine ratios? I'm transitioning to vegetarianism, Herpes is my number 1 reason for being cautious about veganism as I really do not want to go back to the monthly outbreaks as I was having previous to this year. I've started supplementing 1000mg Lysine but would love to see reliable arginine/lysine info if you can share anything!
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