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Everything posted by Catlady12

  1. Hey ladies, So long story short I have ghsv1, diagnosed August of 2018. Since my first outbreak I have not had another. Fast forward to now, I genuinely cannot tell if I am having an outbreak? May be TMI, but it’s the second day of my period and my labia is super itchy. I’m not sure if this is an outbreak since there are no other symptoms. I also read online it could be pad chaffing (since I didn’t change my pad all day due to light period, which again, I never do). I usually always use tampons and sleep with a pad but have never gone a whole day in the same pad. So I’m unsure if it’s an irritation from that or an outbreak. If anyone has any advice or ways to tell the difference please advise!!!! Thank you!!!
  2. @SeraLyn I haven’t gotten one, was actually going to go this week since shaving has been irritating the hell out of my skin. I’ll let you know how that goes!
  3. Hi guys, so I’ve been HSV1+ for about 2 months now and after my first monster of an outbreak life has been totally fine except for after having sex. I’ve realized I get a cut in the same place every single time no matter how gentle we are. I don’t think they are outbreaks persay but I cannot be sure. I think because my first outbreak was like a massive tear/burn the skin never fully reformed/reformed very thin and thus after every time I have sex there is a very small burn like cut there which heals in about a day. It’s not the worst thing In the world to deal with it’s just so disheartening and bothersome. For anyone who experiences this are there any tips and tricks? Furthermore, the sex I had today was a bit tougher than I had planned and the burn is a little bit worse, I’ve also come down with a fever. I believe this may be my second OB but not sure why I’m having another fever? Has anyone experienced a fever with each outbreak? Any advice is highly appreciated thank you guys!
  4. @Amando thanks for responding! I’m 21 and he’s 30 so there’s a bit of an age difference there. I’ve never had a problem before him, and I’ve (stupidly) had unprotected sex with my 3 partners before him (was with each guy for about a year each). I also get routine blood checkups and STD checks that were all clean but I’ve read that often blood tests for herpes are unreliable, especially in my case since I’ve had both mono AND chicken pox as a kid. I’m just so scared to tell him because i know the majority of his past partners and there were never any issues there. we all work in the nightlife industry and information spreads so fast in our line of work as everyone knows each other so if something has happened in the past I would’ve heard from one party or another. Anyways I plan on asking about cold sores and proceeding from there. Ahhh I’m just so nervous and this is just so new to me it’s killing me.
  5. So about a month ago I was diagnosed with ghsv1. Ive been with the same guy for about 5 months now and the past couple weeks we’ve been separated due to work. He comes back this weekend and I know I should disclose but since he’s been gone and everything I can’t help but think he will automatically assume that I’ve been unfaithful. I still have no idea how/when/from who I caught the virus from. There’s a chance I had it laying dormant for years before him, there is also a chance he may carry it. I keep thinking that he may have had cold sores or something when he was younger and passed it to me through oral but I’m unsure since i have never seen him have a cold sore (we’ve been really good friends For about a year). We did have unprotected sex during my initial outbreak (before I even knew that it was an outbreak/ghsv and just thought it was a little tear) and nothing happened to him. I know that most likely means nothing but I just have so many questions still. If anyone has any advice on what I should do, please I’d love to hear it!
  6. @SeraLyn mine came back last week as HSV-1 as if that wasn’t scary enough apparently I had a yeast infection AND BV on top of that!!! I’m on so many meds now I have lost count, it’s ridiculous!
  7. Hi! I was just reading up about this since my first OB is clearing up and I was looking to get a wax. I read that artificial wax collects a lot more bacteria and adheres to the skin so may do damage (not sure if it’ll trigger a OB but still doesn’t sound great). HOWEVER, i have read up about sugaring and found out it’s more natural with less chemicals and adheres to the hair follicle rather than the skin. I am making my appointment for next week to try it out as I feel like keeping everything as natural down there is the best option!
  8. My results just came in positive for HSV-1 a couple days ago and I’m going through an insane outbreak as well!!! I just finished my dosage of antivirals and still nothing’s changed. Been dosing myself with a ridiculous amount of vitamin C and L-lysine just hoping and praying it will go away. If u have any time on how you sped up your first outbreak id love to hear it!!
  9. @beBravebeBOLD I got 500 mg vitamin C (which may be low dose??) but does this mean you take like 20 pills 3-4 times a day? Or did you get a higher mg vitamin C?? Also I’ve found that coconut oil and tea tree oil applied onto the lesions helps with the pain, not sure if it helps it heal faster though ahhh
  10. @beBravebeBOLD thank you so much! I’ll try vitamin C and pick up some L-lysine. Every day I feel like it’s getting better but it’s not 😞 .
  11. Hi! So still dealing with my first breakout and I feel like the Valtrex has done absolutely nothing to help. Was wondering if anyone has had any success with some natural remedies? My lesions are sooo painful 😞 . Pleaseeeee respond if anything in the past has worked for you! Thank you!
  12. @mr_hopp hi! My boyfriend hasn’t been tested as I haven’t notified him yet. I just got a culture swab and am awaiting results on whether it is 1 or 2 but am taking valtrex 3x a day. I have been with this partner for quite a while and I read that if not dormant, the body reacts to it 2-20 days after being exposed. If he does have it is it possible that I just caught it during viral shedding?
  13. @SeraLyn will do! My doctor didn’t seem too sure, evidentially hsv 1 & 2 presents itself in such different ways on everyone that they’re never sure definitely what is / isn’t hsv which is so scary! Still awaiting culture results though!
  14. I’m curious... does anyone put anything to help lesions heal faster? Going through my initial outbreak right now and there’s a massive cut like one that hurts sooo bad! I’ve read things like tea tree oil and stuff! I just want it to close up so I can walk and sit normally 😞
  15. @mr_hopp hi! I’m curious, since you said you had your first outbreak years after infection, would your body already have antibodies for since it’s been in your body for a while? I wanted to get a blood test for antibodies to try and pin point when I caught the infection.
  16. @SeraLyn that’s true I cannot tell whether or not I have been a silent carrier. I just always found it odd especially with my partner because after every time we had sex I would develop a yeast infection and was also treated for BV at one point. Is this a sign he may have had it and passed it to me, or is that just completely coincidental?
  17. @SeraLyn thanks for responding! I also think mine was triggered by vigorous sex but I can’t tell if it’s because my partner of 1 year is a silent hvs carrier and I caught it from him or if I have had it for years and this just randomly triggered it? is one more likely than the other or is there just truly no way to tell?
  18. I have a couple questions between 1 and 2. Is hsv 1 initial outbreak ever associated with a fever? I had a fever which I read is associated with an initial outbreak but read that was only associated with hsv 2. also is it possible for either types to lie dormant in my body for years before an outbreak? What could trigger the outbreak? Could I have been passing it to people without even knowing it?
  19. So I recently was diagnosed with hsv (not sure if it’s 1 or 2 yet) but this would be my initial outbreak. I was curious as to how I contracted it as I have been with the same partner for a year now. I know you can not determine whether one has hsv or not without any tests but I do have a few questions... 1) I was tested a year ago before meeting him and came up negative. Is it possible it was a false negative and I have been dormant with hsv? Or 2) Since being with this partner the aftermath of sex has been very strange. (Sorry if graphic) I would constantly get yeast infections and even was diagnosed and treated for BV. Not sure if that has anything to do with it, but my outbreak occurred after a night of rigorous sex. Initially I thought it was a tear, which I’ve experienced before, but the pain just got worse. Is it possible he transmitted hsv to me during this time? Any answers are highly appreciated. I have no idea how to break it to him or how to ask him to get tested as I do believe he may have it, but I am extremely nervous that he is negative and that this has been dormant in my body for years.
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