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Next step last won the day on September 23 2021

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  1. Honestly given how common this is it’s likely you have been exposed already just by being sexually actively . If you are interested in polyamory of course that likelihood is MUCH higher unless you regularly test every partner - which doesn’t seem realistic . Use protection try to be as safe as possible ( if your partner won’t take meds then you have the right to refuse the relationship ) and move on .
  2. @PinkTiger can you share the link to that article please?
  3. I've had two doctors now suggest that disclosure is not required if I engage in casual sex with precautions . How do people feel about this ?
  4. @_a_rayofsunshine_ are you in suporessives? Did you and your partner use protection ? How did you disclose ? Just curious as I think transmission is what everyone worries about most . Thx:)
  5. @Jane M everything you have expressed is exactly how I have been feeling . I too feel out in an unfair position to put this on display , educate the masses , and face judgement ignorance and rejection . I've been having all kinds of emotions as the guy who I thought gave it to me is much more sexually active and not as educated or responsible in these things as me. It set me back several weeks - I was feeling more confident about approaching this in disclosure and not making it a big deal because I don't think it is . I too speak about it matter of factly but the stigma of others makes me emotional .
  6. @Loyalloulou my heart breaks to hear you feeling this way. Please reach out to someone if you are feeling suicidal 1-800-273-8255 and need to talk . plrase do not let H and your fears convince you your life is not worth living . It is ! You just need to come to terms with a few things and find support to help you . inunderstand where you are I was there too honestly - lost weight couldn't focus work was not going well.... but somehow I have managed to start feeling like myself again slowly . It takes baby steps - what can you do in THIS moment to love yourself ? Is it a bath ? A cup of tea? A deep breath? Or reminding yourself you are NOT alone? Whatever it is DO IT!!!!! You are worth it . And you may not agree but I do not think God punishes us . Shit happens . We punish ourselves with what we tell ourselves about the shit that happens . Pray for self forgiveness and the courage to move forward - God will meet you there Much love and blessings im cheering you and myself on at the same time
  7. @Nervous i understand your panic but let's think of a few things first . 1) have you been tested before? There is a high likelihood you could already have been exposed - it is very common especially in women 2) it's not inevitable that he passed it you . If he's on medication the chance is low - somewhere around 5% per year not per encounter 3) he was open enough to tell you and yes you should have used condoms but with him being on antivirals you've lowered the risk vs someone who doesn't know they have it or doesn't take any precaution 4) he is clearly living a full life as are many with HSV2. You still found him intriguing attractive etc. Why would you think it would be different if the tables were turned ???
  8. @happyman_adventurous would love to hear more about your empowered perspectives
  9. Most of the world has HSV1. Likely you have it orally and it doesnt change anything ....
  10. Over 40 club here too. Still very new to all this and not sure how I will approach disclosure . All this gives me hope and faith :)
  11. Thank you @IASIHH for the update . You are very lucky to have found a doctor that can put this into perspective for your partner . I feel that is so much miscommunication in the medical field and overblown stigma that sometimes it dies more harm than good to talk to a doctor . Your story is inspiring . Please continue to update us . It helps.
  12. @annalove im sorry to hear things didnt work out 😞 but you seem to have some perspective with it which is great . Please continue to share your future successes with those of us still feeling blue about things !
  13. @Amos_0503 would love to see how you and things are going?
  14. @Sunshine75 i would love to connect if you're open to it 💕
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