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Everything posted by movingon00

  1. Thank you for the response! I experienced what may have been an ob in the same spot twice with a single light red pinkish bump (no blistering) and flu like symptoms. This thread concerning transmission through sexual fluids eased my mind knowing it’s skin to skin, which concerned me if I could still shed from the front. I have considered testing but that’s a dilemma as I read some doctors don’t recommend it if there is no active lesion and I can’t know if I’ll ever experience it again.
  2. Quick question, I have not been diagnosed yet so I’m not sure if I have it and if I do, it may be in the anal region, if I was to participate in vaginal sex, could I spread it to here via skin to skin (penis to vagina) Or would she have to be in contact with where my initial ob (anal) was?
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