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Everything posted by OBmarina

  1. Jajoba oil with a few drops of peppermint oil sure helps me with the vaginal itching! Try it! Where do I get the prosurx? I’ve been looking. Amazon says it is out
  2. Dog dad, Please know you mean more to someone than you realize. I do pro-bono work with the wounded warrior project and we do counseling for veterans. I am not a counselor, but I work with many talented individuals who are experienced with Ptsd and combat vets. Please contact us at www.woundedwarriorproject.com and one of our counselors can help you for free. 22 combat vetrans per day comit suicide. The statistic is horrible, but it shows your feelings are not singular. Break the mold...come talk to us and show you are not a statistic. You are wanted in this world. You have purpose. Maybe it’s been to help here on our Forum once you understand your diagnosis. We need leaders. God bless
  3. Ps: I am a dietician and there is TONS of data behind how eating right will bolster your immune system. Now that I am a guinea pig, let’s see how I do...
  4. Hello! I have been reading on this forum for two weeks since my diagnosis, and I must tell you, Leoseekanddistoy, your story is the one that prompted me to join. Like you, my first outbreak was Dramatic (capitol D), in that I passed out on a plane and was taken to the hospital with what I thought was severe UTI AND yeast and sores from my “anniversary” weekend of sex. I though I had just pushed things too far to celebrate a weekend. Well, you can guess what it was. Three bags of fluid, three antibiotics, and 5 DAYS in bed completely out of it is nothing compared to the SEVERE pain of the open sores (I had close to 50 at one point- ouch- thank you Sex and days in a swimsuit at the beach) and sleepless nights of itching. I’m grateful that you shared your horror story of initial outbreak, because my husband’s two spots (and no other symptoms) was making me seem like something else was wrong. I am hopeful...7 days after Valtrex and I’m on day 2 with no meds. I’m using “herpB Gone” salve and taking “Herp Rescue” natural lysine (and othe things) supplements and I have my fingers crossed that I will continue on the road to healing. Note: jajoba oil with several drops of peppermint oil seems to be the BEST COMBO FOR STOPPING ITCH. Also, epsom salt baths are life saving. I can tell my body is fighting the virus because I have had two pain-free/itch free days...only to regress to a bad night again...reducing stress and watching my diet seems to be bolstering my immune system too. Please follow up on your status here, Leo. I feel like I have someone in my camp reading your story. Cheers to future years is outbreak free life. OBMarina
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