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Everything posted by Boobronsea

  1. I had my first outbreak a few weeks ago. It was incredibly painful. I had neuropathy in both of my legs for a few days and was just overall in pain and uncomfortable. I’ve been in a committed relationship for about 9 months now and told my boyfriend about my recent diagnosis. He also just had his first outbreak at the same time as me. He’s been amazingly supportive. We don’t know who had it first and decided it doesn’t really matter and we’re going to take it as it comes. I’m fairly confident it was me because I had the outbreak first. (Side note: neither of us cheated. I had strep throat and my gyno thinks that the virus was dormant and being sick is what cause my outbreak to happen because of bloodwork.) My main question is (not that we will because that sounds painful)... but if one of us was having a flare up and we had sex, would it cause the other to have a flare up?
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