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  1. I was recently diagnosed. During my OB I did not drink alcohol at all, and did not eat sugar or carbs. I think that helped, along with the medication. I've been reading about diet in relation to herpes, and chocolate and alcohol keeps coming up as triggers for outbreaks. So I would try cutting out sugar and alcohol for at least a month to see if that helps
  2. I just found out I have herpes last Tuesday. I had sex Friday night and by Monday morning I was experiencing pain, and then the first sore came Tuesday. Is it likely I got herpes from Friday night? Does herpes act that fast after being infected? The last time I had sex was two months before. I came in a couple days later to pick up the medicine and I took a blood test, which came back negative but the culture the doctor took was positive. My doctor said she gave me an ELSA blood test, and that since it showed up negative for hsv it is a new infection. Is 2 months enough time to build antibodies that would show up in the blood test? Telling the two partners but I just want more answers. Really devastating
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