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  1. Hi! so, I’m very interested in your experience with H and it most reflects my current situation. Does your oral H look like google searches? Or lesser? My BF has a small patch of discoloration/inflammation on the his top lip closest to where his lips meet that truly doesn’t look like the goggle pics but he kissed my shoulder blade and face and shortly after my face became irritated, super itchy and peels but no oozy business. However, in my head my skin is falling off. He hasn’t had any OBs to our knowledge just super dry lips, discoloring/inflammation. He also hasn’t gotten tested. 😑 like most men he’s like well, if you’ve got it I probably do too by now😒. His immune system is strong as hell he literally never gets sick or takes pills outside of melatonin to sleep sometimes. Could this be H? Can you do skin tests for asymptotic shedding?
  2. She put me to acyclovir for one month to see if we noticed a difference. I don’t think really works for me. I also don’t like taking pills 2 a day. I am trying out Val. again to see how my body reacts. The first time I had very mild face/lip swelling (like morning face) and then the eye things scared me lol I hope that doesn’t happen again.
  3. That actually happened to me on Valtrex. I thought I rubbed my eye too hard.
  4. Maybe a month or two before I went to the dermatologist. I was prescribed 3 meds that did not help. Then diagnosed by my primary 2 months later. So about 5 months
  5. I was diagnosed with HSV2 after having issues with itchy skin ON MY FACE! 😞 It took multiple trips to the dermatologist and a random check up with my primary (I SAID CHECK FOR EVERYTHING! I MEAN EVERYTHING! All labs and all STDs) I thought I had some wierd skin condition. I never in a million years imagined I would test positive for HSV. Needless to say, I think failure to diagnose early on led me to unknowingly spreading the virus to other areas of my body. I feel like a walking germ. I use to sleep naked now I sleep in socks, pj pants, preferably long sleeve shirts. I’m scared to touch my own skin. I’m scared to be touched or to touch anyone. I feel like crap everytime I see people touch in person/tv. Has anyone experienced HSV in this way? Facial, extremity, scalp, etc? How are you sure it’s hsv and not a normal bump or itch? People use to compliment me on my skin ALL THE TIME! now I’m super aware that it’s all stopped. I also feel like it’s aged my skin. (Important to note that to date I’ve only had super dry skin on my face, swelling and 3 super small Whitehead like bumps but the itchiness is ungodly!) Hsv stresses me out > the stress from the hsv causes my hsv to flare. The thing that stresses me requires that I be stress free in order for it to potentially get better. What kinda sick cycle is this!
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