I was diagnosed with HSV2 after having issues with itchy skin ON MY FACE! 😞 It took multiple trips to the dermatologist and a random check up with my primary (I SAID CHECK FOR EVERYTHING! I MEAN EVERYTHING! All labs and all STDs) I thought I had some wierd skin condition. I never in a million years imagined I would test positive for HSV. Needless to say, I think failure to diagnose early on led me to unknowingly spreading the virus to other areas of my body. I feel like a walking germ. I use to sleep naked now I sleep in socks, pj pants, preferably long sleeve shirts. I’m scared to touch my own skin. I’m scared to be touched or to touch anyone. I feel like crap everytime I see people touch in person/tv.
Has anyone experienced HSV in this way? Facial, extremity, scalp, etc? How are you sure it’s hsv and not a normal bump or itch?
People use to compliment me on my skin ALL THE TIME! now I’m super aware that it’s all stopped. I also feel like it’s aged my skin.
(Important to note that to date I’ve only had super dry skin on my face, swelling and 3 super small Whitehead like bumps but the itchiness is ungodly!)
Hsv stresses me out > the stress from the hsv causes my hsv to flare. The thing that stresses me requires that I be stress free in order for it to potentially get better. What kinda sick cycle is this!