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Everything posted by Lost4ever43

  1. I had a swab done about 20 years ago & found out I had type 1... never had another outbreak.... around October / November of this past year I had another outbreak . I thought it was hsv 1 showing up again. Had a blood test done & it now shows type 2. It has been devastating.
  2. I was with the guy I’m seeing last night . I thought I had a hemorrhoid starting , but this morning I’m not so sure ... it looks like there are white dots on the swollen area. He touched me in that area & now I’m freaking out that he will develop whitlow on his fingers ?? Any thoughts on this ?
  3. I’ve been reading a lot about Lysine & Arginine in regards to food triggers . I’ve also read about a high alkaline diet . There are a lot of foods that say they’re high in arginine ( so you should limit them) but are good for a high alkaline diet ( which is supposed to be good) . I have no idea what I should & shouldn’t be eating anymore??
  4. Thank you for the reply. The symptoms didn’t seem to last that long , but I’m still going to finish the antibiotics and hope for the best. This all really sucks !
  5. I’m on an antibiotic right now . I didn’t go to the doctor, she just called it in . The symptoms come and go . Do you think it means I’m having an outbreak ?? I haven’t had sex since my diagnosis .
  6. Am I more prone to UTIs now with hsv2? I’ve had 1 in my whole life and all of a sudden I have another one out of the blue?? Coincidence or related ??
  7. That’s so wonderful & I’m so happy for you . I’m hoping my guy decides to stick around... he has so far , but I’m still not 100 percent sure how he’s feeling about things ... and I’m not dealing well , so that’s not helping matters . I wish you the best !
  8. How do you deal with people talking / making fun of herpes and other STIs? It happened at work today & I just wanted to curl up in a ball and cry. I’m struggling enough as it is and to feel like I’m the only one and everyone else finds it funny and entertaining makes me feel so alone .
  9. Thank you for the input .. I guess I’m just looking at ways to cover more of the skin on the outside ...I haven’t felt comfortable having sex yet because of the risk . I’ve only had 1 mild outbreak so far, but paranoid about every itch or weird feeling .
  10. I’m just wondering if anyone has tried the female condom and if you think that’s a better option for preventing transmission because it covers more of the skin ?
  11. Although I don’t have any great advice for you , I can say that you’re not alone and everything you’re feeling in normal. I don’t have anyone I feel comfortable telling in my life either . I’ve found this community to be very supportive and have been in constant contact with a couple of members who have helped me through the tough moments. I know how it feels to have everything going great and then something like this makes you question if things will ever be normal or good again . I’ve been told it takes a lot of time and self care. Just keep reaching out to people on here , it’s really helped me . I’m sorry you’re going through this.
  12. I’m scared of this also . I met someone right before I found out and it’s been devastating. He is everything I’ve been looking for and we did have the talk . He seems ok so far, but I’m not comfortable with sex yet . I keep trying to think of ways to fully protect him ... female condom ? Wearing underwear and a condom ?? These are the things going through my head , so I get the fear.
  13. Thank you for taking the time to reply. He is still texting me & acting “normal “, but I’m sure he hasn’t really processed everything yet. I’m just so sad that this is the only thing standing in my way of a potentially wonderful relationship.
  14. I had the talk tonight with the man I’ve been seeing for a little over a month . He looked more saddened than anything... he just held me . I’m pretty sure he’s not going to be able to handle this in the long run and I don’t blame him. I would feel absolutely guilty and awful if I gave it to him . I feel heartbroken already and he hasn’t told me yet that he doesn’t want to continue our relationship. I can’t imagine finding someone better suited for me & I have already developed such strong feelings for him . We would have had a great relationship if it wasn’t for this. I’m pretty sure tonight was the beginning of goodbye.
  15. Thank you . Your encouragement means so much . I have had HSV 1 genitally for over 15 years , but stupidly was just diagnosed recently with HSV 2. I can’t find research anywhere that can tell me what this means for my body and transmission rates. The HSV 1 was never a big deal physically . I’m hoping that my body will react similarly to type 2. It doesn’t help that I met the man I’ve been looking for my whole life right before I found this out ... we haven’t had sex ... I haven’t had the courage to tell him yet ... I’m scared to lose him & I would’ve blame him if he walked away . I’ve met some very wonderful people here & I’m so grateful for the support .
  16. Thank you for taking the time to respond. I have been trying everything . I’m paranoid to eat anything that may cause an outbreak ... I’ve been taking anything I can that says it boosts immunity. I’m trying to pretend I’m not depressed about this . I don’t have sores right now , but things feel “off” all of the time right now . I’m not sure how much of that is in my mind or truly physical symptoms of the virus. I’m not sure I can do this for the rest of my life !
  17. What is this?? I keep hearing about it ... if there was a cure wouldn’t it be well known ? Does anyone have experience with this ? Just curious .
  18. Thank you for taking the time to respond. I completely get the feelings of being ashamed and feeling dirty.. I am working on believing I’m still the same , good person I was before this happened. You are still the same person too , not a whore! I’m angry at myself for letting it happen again ... I’ve had type 1 genitally for so long , how did I not protect myself better from getting type 2?? I know I’m not a huge help , but we can talk if you’d like to private message me ... maybe we can help each other through it .
  19. I’ve been looking for similar information... I have type 1 & 2 both genitally... I wonder if I’m more contagious because of this ? Or maybe not because HSV 1 genitally doesn’t shed as much ???
  20. I have had HSV 1 genitally for over 15 years ... was just coming to terms with having to tell my current relationship ( no sex yet) and just found out I have type 2 also... my body handled the type 1 very well, never had outbreaks other than the first one ... the last one I had , presumably from type 2 wasn’t horrible... here are my questions... 1. Has anyone else had both types? Am I more contagious because of that ? I can’t find any research on it 2. Because the first outbreak is the worse usually, does this mean I’ll likely not have very severe outbreaks in the future? And maybe because my body has handled the other type so well , it will do the same with type 2? 3. I’ve been really sad , not eating & have diarrhea occasionally (sorry!). Is that from the stress or from HSV ? Also have had a little bit of bloody discharge... 4. Am I really the same person I was before this?? I feel so ashamed and not worthy of love & life... I feel like a walking STD... the nurse kept saying with knowledge and protection I could prevent spreading this ... if that’s true then why do so many people get this? Is anyone really going to want to risk this life long crap to be with me?? I’m seeing someone wonderful right now & I think this may ruin everything... I might really be alone forever & that’s a really devastating thought . Sorry this was so long , but I appreciate anyone who takes the time to answer
  21. I am a 43 year old female living in NY state. Diagnosed with HSV 1 over 15 years ago . Very recently diagnosed with HSV2... having a very hard time & feeling very alone . Hoping to find someone to talk with that understands the emotions and loneliness that goes along with this ...or maybe some encouragement that it’s really not the end of the world ??
  22. I am feeling lost , anxious , embarrassed, guilty ... the list goes on. I was diagnosed with HSV 1 genitally about 15 plus years ago. It was difficult to come to terms with over time , but I began to realize it wasn’t such a big deal , I had one very mild outbreak and nothing after that . Well , here is where all of the awful feelings come in ... I started dating again after a long term relationship broke up . It took me awhile to even want to date , let alone have sex again . Well, that led to a recent HSV 2 diagnosis. What makes this a million times worse is that I have finally met someone that I truly care for , someone I can see spending my life with . We have only been dating a month and it has been wonderful. We haven’t had sex yet , thank goodness. I was just getting myself prepared to have the HSV 1 talk with him ... now I’m absolutely devastated and scared to death . Of course he’s not going to stick around, who would ?? I already suffer from depression & anxiety & I’m so scared that losing this potential relationship , the kind I’ve waited for my whole life , is going to throw me into another very dark place. I feel like all I am is a walking STD... I have nobody to talk to about it , all I’ve done is sleep the last few days ... the last outbreak was not horrible , but I have no idea how my body will react now that I have both types in the same spot . I can’t find research on that or anyone that has both genitally?? I talked with the nurse at my doctors office yesterday and she was comforting, but all she said when I asked if I was more contagious with both types is “not necessarily “... I have no idea what life is supposed to look like now. I am having a difficult time just being around people because I feel disgusting & jealous that their lives are “normal” and mine is all about herpes. Thank you for reading, it made me feel less alone for a minute to write it all out ...
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