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  1. If a female has Genital herpes and in an outbreak, should she abstain from giving her male partner oral sex? Does it matter?
  2. The don’t know where is frustrating...just in case I would. Message me if you need any support.
  3. Wouldn’t hurt anything to be tested for your own peace of mind🤷‍♀️ It does stink she didn’t mention..maybe she’s telling the truth and it was just a weird fear she had coming out through alcohol.
  4. Has anyone ever noticed if valtrex makes their urine have a strong or unpleasant odor?? I’ve been trying to figure out this problem for a while and I am beginning to think it is the culprit?
  5. It was huge pimples on my chin that hurt like crazy...but as time went on they improved. I have genital hsv.
  6. When I first was diagnosed my face broke out terribly but I’ve read your face can break out from the stress on your body and after a while the breakouts got better. It was very painful but just acne
  7. In the US, you can buy it over the counter!
  8. I had genital warts which are caused by hpv and I’m going back to my provider this week to confirm that I’ve had a recurrence
  9. I found it easier to just be up front and honestly they were so much calmer than I was. If I was worried or had questions, we did research together. My health provider I have now is super also and that helps.
  10. I live in an area that it is difficult to be open about it, so I understand wanting to keep it private. There are people that will accept you, I’ve had 2 long term partners. You may just have to look outside your area. Be brave.
  11. Hang in there...I’ve been hsv positive for 8 years, hpv for 5. It will get better and you are not a disgusting person. They shouldn’t act that way, unfortunately people are very cruel sometimes.
  12. Please don’t give up, I know it’s rough, I’ve been living with it 8 years and then 5 years ago was diagnosed with hpv. It will get easier.
  13. When I was first diagnose with hsv, my chin did the same thing. I read that your face breaks out in certain areas due to stress in certain parts of your body. It gets better over time!
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