Hi guys,
I was recently diagnosed with gHSV1 and my initial outbreak cleared up over a week ago and I am still experiencing neuropathic burning, itching and tingling all around my genitals. I don't have any signs of a second breakout, so I'm wondering if this is common and if so if it's something that is associated with the initial outbreak, and if I should expect it to go away, and not come back, or is this something that tends to stick around? I'm really curious to hear other people's experiences with this, and also I'd like to understand what exactly is going on physiologically if anyone has insight.
I'm hoping that my first outbreak will be the last, which seems to be a good chance with gHSV1, and of course I'm hoping the burning, tingling and itching I'm experiencing post outbreak goes away for good soon as well, and just want to hear other people's experiences or even get some data as to what I can expect here.