Hi all,
I’ve recently been diagnosed with genital HSV1. My primary outbreak was about 3 weeks ago, and was insanely brutal. Couldn’t walk, sleep, sit or stand to wear pants. Had minor flu symptoms but nothing too crazy just felt like a head cold with a fever. I took the 2g of valtrex for the full ten days, tons of salt baths and generally did everything I was told. Blisters were gone and not painful within 8 days of starting valtrex, and I felt like I was in the clear.
It’s been about a week and a half since I finished treatment and I’m in another outbreak. Not as bad blister wise, they’re in a different area, less bumps, (still crazy painful) but this time I’m having insane skin sensitivity (allodynia) all down my legs, back and butt cheek. My right groin lymph node is also insanely swollen, tender and painful and about 3 days ago I noticed sections of my vulva were numb and now are the areas that blistered.
I figure it may be normal to have a recurrent outbreak so shortly after, but I can’t find any info on “secondary primary” outbreaks for lack of a term, especially for genital type 1. Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this, if the nerve pain/numbness is normal, and besides to take another round of Valtrex should I talk my doctor about anything? The skin sensitivity is to the point I can’t sit because I feel like my skin is raw, salted and on fire (also any recommendations besides Advil for that?).
On a more positive note this forum has been very helpful in accepting all this. Thanks in advance for your replies!!