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  1. I felt the exact some way! I couldn’t eat for a week and it was all I thought abt but it’s been basically a month and I’m starting to think I don’t have anything. Of course It’s still in my mind All the time and I want to get tested but I basically take it day by day. I haven’t really had any pain or blisters at all but I feel the same tingles you’re talking about! I’m sure it’s all in my head though but the blood test will confirm in a few more weeks for me. I’m 23 & it’s kinda hard to avoid dating cuz I really wanna get back out there but this scare has me not wanting to do/ spread anything until I know I’m good to go. I read an article that said 70% of ppl who get hsv2 will have antibodies by the 6th week. I’m testing at 8 weeks instead of 12 cuz 12 weeks is just way too long to not know.
  2. Heyyy I know this might not be much help but I’m going through the exact same thing as you. I think I also may have been exposed from sleeping with a guy who has slept with a girl who’s been diagnosed. The guy swears he doesn’t have it and that puts me at ease but at the same time I’m waiting to get a blood test to confirm. It’s been 4 weeks and I’m gunna get tested in another 4. its really stressful not knowing but try to breathe ! If this helps, I was told if you haven’t had an outbreak by three weeks then you probably didn’t get anything. That’s what’s been getting me through the days. But ya, It’s still good to get tested cuz people are asymptomatic too. I think I’m fine and I think you’re fine too but we’re both a bit of hypochondriacs. I shaved yesterday and swore I had bumps but when I looked an hour later they were gone so Obv the skin was just a little irritated from shaving. Try not to over analyze or you’ll drive urself crazy!
  3. I would trust the doctor if all you’re getting is cancer sores and a rash. But if you really think it’s herpes, I’d push and get tested. It’s hard to get a hsv test, it took me a year to get diagnosed cuz no doctors believe me when I said my lips were on fire. I never had sores so doctors didn’t test. Then finally one gave the blood test and I was positive
  4. I don’t think hsv would give you a decreased appetite unless you’re feeling depressed after your diagnosis. Do you have genital hsv1 or oral? I had tingling feeling around my lips for almost a year cuz the hsv is just making itself at home in your nerves and also, it kind of means nothing. I felt constantly contagious from the tingling feeling but never passed it along
  5. Hooked up with a guy yesterday, he told me he’s “clean” but I also found out his ex gf has genital herpes after the fact. im worried I exposed myself and am wondering what my next step should be. I want to get tested but not sure when’s the best time? Two weeks? Should I just wait and see if I get an outbreak? I have ohsv1 and I’m unsure whether his ex has hsv1 or 2. I know I really shouldn’t be worried if he has ghsv1 but since I don’t know, I’m sick to my stomach! would love to get some ppls experience with hsv2? How long after sex did the outbreak come? When should I get tested?
  6. I was diagnosed with hsv1 from a blood test a few months ago and me and my doctors assumed it was oral. However I’ve had chronic bv for almost 7 years 😕 I’m wondering if my dr can do a culture and herpes swab in the same test cuz I wanna know if I actually have ghsv1.
  7. I have oral hsv1, like many other people, & I still disclose because it feels like the right thing to do. Idk where I got it from and if I could have made the choice I wouldn’t have gotten it. I read all these stories of ppl having successful dating lives but I’m 23 and guys my age are not accepting of my ohsv1. They ask questions and seem fine/curious but then ghost me because they think I can’t give them head (🙄) but 30+ year olds are fine and willing to get tested for me. Sometimes I think I should not be disclosing & it’s overkill but since knowing my status, I want my partners to get a blood test even BEFORE making out with me. Disclosing is hard and gives me anxiety but It really weeds the a-holes out of my life too. Sure casual sex can be fun but slow down. You can infect people! I don’t kiss until I get someone’s hsv status or consent because I don’t want to be the person to give them herpes. Be responsible.
  8. If I were you, I would be up front because you need the closure. Ask him if he’s ever had been tested for herpes because after you guys hooked up something happened and you think he gave it to you. Explain that herpes isn’t on standard std tests so it’s likely he’s never been tested. Also many people who have it and are asymptomatic & doctors don’t test unless people show symptoms. im 23 girl and I know it’s really scary but you can’t keep yourself wondering! Your guy might deny it or say he’s never been tested but at least you got some kind of an answer from him. It took me a year to talk to the guy i think gave me my herpes & even tho he denied having it himself, it was a relief for me to tell him what I've been going through & how I felt abt him / the situation.
  9. You said you haven’t kissed or did oral but you’re having sex? do you have ohsv1? 80% of people have it so It’s no big deal and dating should be completely fine. Sadly tho a bunch of people don’t even realize they’re carriers of the virus so they might be deterred from dating someone who knows their status.
  10. I’m not sure if it’s the same but I have hsv1 & had constant burning /tingling on my lips for 11 months. I started taking a vitamin and my symptoms went away in a couple weeks. I don’t even take the vitamin every day any more bc I forget since I don’t have the feeling anymore. the vitamin I take is nature mades b-complex with vitamin c and zinc. It says it’s a stress reliever but it has so many vitamins in it that help with healthy nerve functioning. Hopefully it works for you too!
  11. I don’t think she’s a contagious walking thing. At the time, I didn’t know my status and wasn’t sure if I could get it from her which is reasonable concern. Wouldn’t you agree most ppl who don’t have herpes try to avoid getting it...? and I wasn’t scared about testing positive because of her. I was scared of testing positive because of what happened last year. It brought back old concerns but alright, go off
  12. Yeah, i have hsv1. I don’t know if it is oral or genital but I assume it’s oral herpes cuz I’ve kissed like 3x more people than I’ve had sex with. Also, my dad had coldsores when I was younger so I could’ve gotten it from him when I was little but I’ll never know. My main worry is kissing my 2 year old brother or giving oral to my bf. My dr didn’t seem worried about these things but I am. I wanna avoid passing this onto others but my dr thought antivirals were unnecessary.
  13. I’ve never had a cold sore or a genital outbreak, I just took the test out of curiosity. I had a feeling I would test positive because 80% of people have this but I’m still really upset and don’t know what to do with this info. what does this mean for kissing and oral sex? I don’t wanna pass it to anyone but im asymptomatic. my igg results were positive for hsv1 with a value of 22.2? What does the value mean? Is it possible to know if this is a new or old infection
  14. I was talking to my friend and learned after the fact that her boyfriend has had an outbreak on his lips before so I’m not sure if it’s both or just oral. However, I just read through the article and believe my risk is low because he doesn’t have any cold sores and I didn’t Directly touch his lips. the two have been together 4 months, kissing, and she’s never had it spread to her lips so i don’t think she would have given it to me with a quick kiss either.
  15. Friday night I was drinking with my friend and her bf. They both have genital herpes. Apparently her bf has gotten an outbreak on his mouth but she never has. I’m not sure if they passed it to me but my friend kissed me (I pulled away) but we shared Pepsi and beers because I was only nervous abt skin-skin contact even tho none of them have an active outbreak on either genital or face. Anyway, Later that night I gave my boyfriend a blowjob and the next day, which was yesterday, he told me he had a bump near his groin. I feel like I was closer to exposure than he ever was so is it just a coincidence he got a bump right after I blew him the night I was with my friends? I told him not to worry cuz I don’t have any cold sores but I was involved in kinda risky behavior by sharing with them.
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