Hi All,
I know exactly who gave me GH; I come from a small local community and (I know I sound awful) but I don't want to tell him because that will admit to the community that I have it. I've heard my friends call those type of people "dirty girls" so much and it kills me that they're talking about me and don't even know. I read online about a website where you can enter in the guy's phone number and he'll receive an anonymous notification. Has anyone done this? I want him to be aware so he can prevent spreading it to other girls, but I don't want him to try to turn to it around and say I gave it to him. He is home after being in the marines for 4 years. We slept together a month after he came home. I know for a fact I didn't have anything prior to him. I'm scared that everyone will find out and look at it as the American hero who got herpes from a slut (Me). Please let me know what you guys think.