Hi and thank you for reading. I was diagnosed with HSV-1 & 2 in August so I am still getting used to it. I have fears about it like you may have had. Fears of how to move forward with life but most importantly is transmitting it to my new girlfriend.
We haven't had any sexual relations beyond kissing due to this; not for lack of desire.
We have talked about it extensively, done our internet research, video appointments twice with an infectious disease doctor. I am on daily suppressiver therapy but have not had an outbreak past my initial one. What we are looking for is people or couples who have been in long-term relationships and whether they transmitted it to their partners or not during their relationship. Were there acts you wouldn't do? Did you have ground rules and follow them like no sex without a condom, etc?
We are hoping to find some clarity and hoping to pay it forward some day. Thank you in advance.