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  1. if you’d like to message me you may. i know it’s scary and uneasy! remember you are human and you are worthy and you did nothing to deserve this!
  2. i just found out i tested positive for type 1 & 2. i’m currently waiting to go in to another doctors office for a second opinion bc the first doctor didn’t really inform/educate me on any of this or tell me what to do. i feel so icky, sad, confused, hurt, angry,& so much more! i’m scared for my family & friends on what they may think or how they may feel about me. should i say something to them? i’m pretty good with secrets as i kept my childhood trauma to my self all these years. (i’m only 21). what can and can’t do sharing wise? i just really don’t about anything right now!! i haven’t had an appetite since i found out.( about three days ago i think) i haven’t had any type of symptoms.. i’m really just hoping for a miracle that some way some how it was a false positive. furthermore since i found out i feel like i have slight cramps but idk if it’s just phantom pains somehow bc i never had any type of symptoms or felt anyway before this. i just feel like everything is over for me.
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