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Everything posted by Herpessuckz

  1. @Flowerteacher55 thanks. It’s just hard because I’m a very empathetic person and I don’t want to put anyone else in this position.
  2. Well I appreciate that. My outbreaks are infrequent. My first one was pretty small only a few bumps. The I got another one a putt a month ago that was even smaller. Like I said I’m more concerned about the dating side of things. But I assume everyone that gets herpes is. Just something I’ll have to figure out.
  3. I’ve had it for 8 months. That does make me feel a little better. I would just feel so terrible if I gave it to someone. Especially at my age (25.) I don’t want them to have to live with this dating difficulty.
  4. This hsv2 diagnosis is kicking my ass. I feel like such a leper. I’m just so worried about passing it into someone. Like idk who in their right mind would want to take a risk like that for something that most likely isn’t gonna last. Ik I probably wouldn’t. Idk what to do. Ik I can’t be celibate but the anxiety of passing it is crippling. I don’t want to curse someone else with this shit. Idk any advice would be great. As you can tell I’m not in a good mental state.
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