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Honeybee82 last won the day on September 27 2022

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  1. Thank you for replying. This Is just something I've been hoping for. He was never really clear about his thoughts. I thought I did a pretty great job explaining H etc. I let him know that if he needs time or has questions I completely understand. He said how amazing I am and that he would probably just need time to process this. For about 2 weeks, he became more distant and texting wasn't the same. I finally said that I didn't want to just be a texting buddy and if he ever changes his mind to not hesitate and reach out. He made sure to tell me that it would be hard to remain just friends with me because he had begun developing feelings and that he thinks/hopes everything will pan out with time. I just don't get it. That last text conversation was 2 weeks ago.
  2. I'm in tears. 😢 This is exactly the kind of positive story I've been scrounging the internet for! I'm so grateful that you took the time to share this beautiful love story ❤
  3. Has anyone ever disclosed and gotten rejected, but then the person came back after taking some time to think and research?
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