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Everything posted by Ashleymarie

  1. Of course as soon as you find out you have something, you go to Dr. Google and whatever you read on there scares the heck out of you. It was basically telling me that no matter what I do (kiss, have/receive oral sex, and have sex), I will give it to someone. I’ve been reading a few questions and answers on here and I’d like to ask my own so that I have a better understanding and feel less scared. I was devastated as soon as I found out one month ago, I’ve been feeling depressed ever since and feel like I’ll be rejected every time. I tend to have casual sex, and this last one I did notice a cold sore on his mouth but I thought it was just a pimple. Then he gave me oral sex (we also kissed) and a few days later, I had pain and sores and blisters all over my genital area. When I got tested I was positive for HSV1, and I made him get tested too, and he said he was also positive for HSV1. I’ve been reading on here “oral HSV1” and “genital HSV1”. I did not get any sores or pain around my mouth, just my genital area. So does this mean I only have genital HSV1? Would I still be able to kiss/make out with people since I’ve never experienced anything on my mouth? if it is genital HSV1, can I still receive oral sex? can I still give oral sex, especially since I’m not having oral symptoms? like I said, Dr. Google just gives us answers that scares me and makes me think that I’ll never get into a relationship again. to whoever responds to this, thank you. I hope you all have a wonderful day.
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