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Everything posted by MichiganDan7

  1. Thank you so much for your reply @Flowerteacher55! I appreciate your time in responding. I have a couple follow up’s if you don’t mind (or if anyone else can chime in that would be great!) 1- the doctor only did a visual examination and didn’t swab or blood test. It sounds like it’s important to know if it is 1 or 2. I assume we could still find this out with a test at a later point? Also, could I have a blood test done to see if I’m carrying already? 2- one concern my wife has is getting the blisters internally again like with her initial outbreak which was very painful. This second time it’s just a few small surface bumps. Her question is… if she were to give the virus to me (assuming I don’t already have it), would having intercourse cause them to happen internally again due to penetration (if I had an active infection and didn’t know it yet)? So basically once you already have the virus, does contact with it again cause an outbreak or do outbreaks just occur randomly on their own and you don’t get “reinfected” in specific spots that are touched by the virus. 3- once the blisters go away, are you in the clear to minimize risk of infecting a partner or should you wait another week or so? I’ve read different things thank you again!!
  2. My wife just got diagnosed with genital herpes (her doctor didn’t swab so we don’t know if it is HSV 1 or 2). We’ve only ever been with each other and we’ve been monotonous for last 13+ years. So, it was a shock when this happened but we now know it can be dormant for years since childhood etc. But… since this is so new we have lots of questions. Please help! 1- our leading theory on how this happened was she had cold sores as a child pretty bad which might have been herpes. She then gave it to me (no real symptoms, occasional little something on my lip) and I gave it back to her in genital form via oral sex. Does that sound like a reasonable assumption? Otherwise we have NO idea how she’d get genital herpes. 2- as a married couple who wants more children, we’d need to have unprotected sex. Am I inevitably going to get genital herpes as some point in the future? If I already have it in my system does this even matter? If I did have the oral form (as said in my theory in question 1), wouldn’t getting it genitally be a whole separate issue? 3- what does having herpes mean for future oral sex? This is something we enjoy and I’d like to be able to do this for her but am worried I will get infected with oral herpes because of it. Do people just stop doing this? What if I already have it in my system, again does this really matter? 4- she had one major outbreak to start and was very sick. It went away. Then she got a very small outbreak (just about 3 small bumps) a few weeks later. Is this going to be the frequency? If so we will need be able to conceive as the window could always be during outbreaks!! thanks so much for your advice!
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