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Acceptance10 last won the day on December 29 2022

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  1. Hi y’all! So just an update I did get my confirmation results back and it was positive for hsv-2, and I’m okay with it 🙂 I’ve been discovering a lot about myself this past week and I actually did let my sister in and tell her just bc I needed someone to talk to and she was really supportive, actually a lot of people in my circle have been really supportive and I’m so grateful for it, and I’m so grateful for everyone’s kind words here too, I feel so happy today and I just feel so much better I’m still taking it day by day, but I feel really at ease and it just feels good ❤️
  2. I’ve just been doing a lot of research the last couple days, and it’s really helped me understand and made me feel better about what could be happening to me. A little back story for context, I have what looks like a canker sore/blister/pimple above my clit and I got very scared, the week prior I had what I thought was mono and took antibiotics and was feeling better before this happened. I tried telling myself it could be an ingrown hair bc it tingled and itched more than hurt, but I went to get tested for hsv 2, it was a blood test through quest and the result was positive 1.90H and recommended more testing which I’m waiting to do when I get paid this week. but I still contacted my partners and explained so that they could get tested if they needed to. good, great wonderful covered on that front, but I started reading up on genital herpes and it turns out hsv 1 & hsv2 can cause a genital outbreak, and my results also fall in the range of a false positive, and while I’m not trying to convince myself of what my outbreak is being caused by, I mostly find it interesting that hsv 1 causes outbreaks in genitals just as often as hsv2 or more so, it’s also helped me not feel so afraid or depressed or down on myself because I’m alive, I have two eyes, a nose and a mouth, I can walk & run and clap with two hands, and I am alive, I’m still me and nothing will change that, no one validates that not even me, because regardless of others opinions or my own, the fact remains that inside I am on my side, I am on team me, and we can get through anything:) Articles that have helped me: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2564733/
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