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  1. Man... we really think alike on that whole "I'll never date again" thing. I hope for both our sake's we overcome that fear of embarrassment or denial. On the (bright side) HSV1 is the most common of the two types and as you stated many in the US have HSV1. More than likely with many having more than one sexual partner the % of HSV1 transmission will go up significantly in the future. So if you take those facts in consideration you will have tons of opportunities to share your life with another HSV1+ or even yet go beyond the fear of the stigma and even date someone who is HSV1-. Listen to WCSDancer... anytime I am sad or depressed or even confused about what ails me she will always have something positive and constructive to contribute. I take her life-story and how she has endured and over-come this virus as inspiration and encouragement. And to the rest of this great community as I have never read one bit of ill-will or truly bad advice. It's not going to easy to accept and tolerate this virus. What in life is easy? HSV1 doesn't define you... nor does it define how you live your life who you talk to what you say how you do things. It doesn't change anything about you beyond an added skin condition. Google skin conditions.... there are far worse things out there trust me. Keep on, Keeping on. Well wishes.
  2. Yeah that is a guaranteed rule in life if you don't even try you will certainly not succeed.
  3. You've got more confidence than I do. I entirely understand the part about loneliness and those nights of loneliness. I miss a lot from being with someone everything from the emotional aspect to the physical. Heck you've got more confidence than I do! Thought of passing conversation on to the other sex and to a total stranger... still something I am terrible at in person. Keep on being yourself and it'll happen if you keep trying.
  4. Well it's not exactly the shiniest of silver linings... BUT... medical science speculates that upwards of 60%+ people will contract HSV1 by the time they hit their forties (If not sooner) 80% of those who have it don't know (either never having symptoms or not noticing what it was) So if you've gathered in those facts you'll realize you aren't alone and far from it. Or are you going to be stuck in a relationship with someone you do not entirely wish to be with on the soul purpose of keeping H+ with H+. Is it unfortunate to contract herpes? Yes. Is it the end of dating/world as we know it? No. Somewhere along the path of humans STD's and abnormalities of the body suddenly became this unspoken subject and something that is bad, sin, social stigma. In reality it's something we have been dealing with as a species for many years if not entirely all along and only in the last hundred years did we have any sort of real understanding about the virus. Perhaps in a way it is true... Ignorance is bliss. Even now we have medications and topical remedies that ease and help with this condition when for so long humanity had to do what it does best, survive and endure. I test positive for markers in my blood for HSV1 but have had no reported outbreak or shown any symptoms. But still I am an active carrier of the virus... how I contracted it I will never know. It isn't the end of the world... but in 'our little world' it does feel like the walls are caving in and the room flushing in with water. We just have to take a deep breath and push back against that water and walls and break free from that restraint break free from the self imposed anguish. Easier said than done... but once you say it, you have a plan. Well wishes, Live long and prosper.
  5. I appreciate the offer and I will keep it in mind. I really liked the quote Dancer - in a lot of ways I believe that entirely. Still it is hard sometimes with the impact of health or disease on the overall wellness with life. I've focused more attention towards myself (not a lot) but more so than I have done in years as in what I wanted and what I desired out of life. I can't help myself and think "With one step forward... life pushes you two steps back." but I guess that depends on the day.
  6. Appreciate it @Seeker. Actually I am in your area just south of Clearwater in Largo. Yeah ego's do ruin a lot of medical cases but you really don't 'appreciate' that fact until it happens to you. Learn from your mistakes is the common phrase I've heard throughout life.
  7. Still stuck in Florida! But judging how bad the weather has been so far this season it really may turn out to be for the best. I have yet to have any noticeable symptoms of my HSV1 infection even being a passive carrier it hasn't affected my body (yet) Had a second session with the Scalpel regarding the HPV, which I wish to remind all of you to be FIRM with your doctor sometimes. I wasted $90 in co-pay going to visit twice to have him look at a spot of concern and him dismiss it as "normal looking tissue" believe it or not with all their medical degrees and years of real-world practice I will say this... The only person who knows the most about your body is yourself! I've read before those with HSV1/HSV2 infections be turned away without even a swab and I know that exact feeling now. After 3 total visits he finally budged and acted like I had 'twisted his arm' about it. But I digress I just wish to say again... be straight and be firm with your doctor as we are given one body and one opportunity so don't let a bonehead waste it! Still no such thing as a love-life or sex-life. I am really at a loss for words when I try to even think about having sex or being intimate with someone. Heck even having the "talk" makes me just laugh in manic despair at the idea of it all. I admit I am sort of a butt-in on this forum. True I was gifted HSV1 but my primary issue is with HPV and the overall effects. HPV is a lot like HSV both are viruses of a skin manipulating nature. I remember when I was younger sitting in a dark haze filled room talking about STD's and what would be 'worse' and in that moment I couldn't even imagine having an STD in that moment it was just some joke something unusual in life but I couldn't fathom it being an issue for me... because all throughout school they taught me Condoms protect you from STD's... but neglected to teach proper condom use-sex hygiene and statistics based on birth control and condoms. Just as that moment faded another came into focus and that moment was reality. Reality that we realize we can be as fragile as porcelain or as strong as steel we can make the small trivial aspects in life our strongest thought and our biggest fear. Even knowing all this it still just doesn't make sense, it just doesn't make sense why I can't put past that this isn't a big deal. I still am reminded just about every day as I either intentionally or unintentionally remind myself that I have an STD. Taking every day at face value and hoping the next brings something interesting.
  8. Yes I've been away for awhile. Trying to reign life back in and sort things out. I'm abstaining from sex for a few reasons. One I feel I'm in no position to pursue a physicial/emotional relationship at this moment and two because of hpv and HSV the risk of transmission in my minds eye is too great for something casual. Even with consent and education would I want to introduce this virus to someone else or introduce myself to something else. Besides when I do find myself in a relationship I can take things slow and see how they go.
  9. I learned in the beginning of May that I test positive for HSV1 (oral/genital who knows!) and genital warts. At first I was afraid and disgusted with my own body. I thought about how safe I I believe I was how I used condoms each time I had sex. My body and mind felt wrecked and it couldn't have happened at a worse of time. I was already stressed nearing my date to move across the usa and then this. I looked online reading anything I could find but it only made matters worse my anxiety worsened. I binged on food and alcohol heck gained about 30lbs in 3 months. I felt ugly I felt like a leper I felt as if I would never be wanted never be loved. I lost all motivation in moving and following my dreams. I fell into a hole of despair and depression only becoming worse when my mind would over think things like now I have two loofah in the shower one for my genitals one for my body because of my fear... Throws of emotion and I thought it was the beginning of an endless decline of life. Well that's all untrue I found this website I found this community and I have found a moment of love. True having my condition has critically altered how I pursue relations Sexually and to be honest I've taken up abstaining from sex. I know I couldn't have controlled my depression but with better coping mechanism than eating and drinking I gave a virus too much power over me. But no more I'm nearing my financial goal and I've got my bags packed! I don't think about it all the time as I used too and when I do my mind isn't filled with negativity but more so "it is what it is" I don't like having these afflictions but I can't change it. HPV & HSV are both stigmatized skin afflictions. For the most part it doesn't affect our health beyond the overthinking mind. It doesn't define who we are or what we have done. In the end if you scroll down not reading a single word read these three words IT GETS BETTER! I wish everyone love and peace. Live long and prosper! - C
  10. Your actual POSTS are great because it's just basic black on white. What I was referring to was the side borders. It's not any reason to change it and perhaps it's my eyes but white on black is difficult to read for me.
  11. Though if I may offer my opinion. The white on black borders or border less posts make things a little dark and hard to read. But otherwise it's so well written and really puts the information out there!
  12. I feel you on the cycling part. But don't give up on it! Follow words of Willow and cut the meds in half because it is a medication that builds up in the blood-stream and going cold turkey will most likely feel like hitting a brick wall on an icy road. Worst comes to worst you can get one of those neat cycles with the lounging chair! Sure it's not a track bike and sure you most likely wont be hitting 25-30 on it but atleast it will be comfortable!
  13. 1. No I do not... could have been my mum who had HSV1 or maybe a childhood friend sharing a cup or a kiss or who knows! 2. Haha nope! 3. Yes but only to create misshapen balloons 4. Again I gave no clue! It's interesting so many of you have some sort of an idea behind your exposure and maybe a story to tell behind it. I am fortunate I wasn't one who was in a relationship and lied to and then gifted so I do feel for all of you that do. I hope all your days have been bright and good.
  14. Fear can make us humans do silly and regrettable things it's the side affect as fear can also save our lives. But in this case fear is making this man make a decision that I'm certain he isn't well educated about. If he's under the age of 30 born post '85 he likely has already been exposed to HSV1. Either as a child growing up or his first sweet heart HSV1 is a very social virus. It's a good sign he wishes to remain friends. That shows he has some interest because if he was entirely appalled of your situation he would just "vanish" So he may come around and better yet if you help educate him a about the virus. Hopefully he understands you made yourself completely vulnerable emotionally when you told him and that took a lot of respect and trust. Maybe he will find solace in the idea that at least you KNOW what is going on with you body and what you have. As opposed to the next girl/guy who has no idea or cares to know. You're gonna be okay. I think this will not end here but if it does know that if a man or woman can't accept the character differences of a potential mate then what THEY are looking for is NOT what you're looking for. Live long and prosper Better yet bring him here and teach him something.
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