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Everything posted by crystal029

  1. Im not sure if this is where to post this question or not. I was with a partner who told me he had hsv2 but hadnt had outbreaks in a long time me being not fully aware of the virus and how it works ended up sleeping with him, he then tried to claim that I had herpes as everytime he slept with me he would have an outbreak anywhere from 2-10 days. So I got tired of him trying to put blame on me so I went and got tested dr tells me my results are negative and I tell him that it seemed to lesson him trying to blame something on him. I forgot to ask the dr when she tested me if the test is separate for one and two as I have outbreaks on my lips Im guessing this is one anyways I guess my question is there separate tests for one and two and if not shouldnt my tests came back postive since I have outbreaks on my lips? Unfortunataely a relationship with him and I couldnt work out since he broke out mostly everytime we had sex, which was very disappointing for me as I felt very close to him and still do.
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