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Everything posted by Taylor01

  1. I get a tingling feeling in that area sometimes but I haven't noticed or felt anything there
  2. I am 25 he's 24. I was stressing out over this probably more than he was. I was like great I jinxed myself. I haven't passed it on to any of my ex's that I know of. No one has called or sent an angry text. I got the biggest size I could, but they were still tight. I think he's used to unprotected sex with his partners. He says he always ask for proof of a recent std test before sleeping with someone. Now I'm trying not to feel so guilty...its like a huge waiting game. I know I was responsible so he needs to own up to his responsibility. He has apologized numerous times, saying he didn't mean for me to feel bad about things that he's just really scared.
  3. He had asked me if I had condoms I said yes. I guess he always lets the girls buy them or bring them since he hates going to the store to buy them (embarrassment idk). I guess he was more worried afterwards after using google to look at pics. I'm like those pics are the worst of the worse. Now he's freaking out thinking he has it. I think its phantom symptoms...all in his head...I'm sure he didn't get it that soon after. 1 day after he was saying he felt weird. We're just remaining friends though.
  4. Thanks. I felt like I did the right thing but he was so upset and it made me rethink things. We've talked since then and I don't think he has herpes. It had been the same night, and the next day he said he felt itching and felt weird. I think it was paranoia on his end. I told him if it gets worse to go to the doctor. It was his choice, and a mutual decision to have sex. We agreed to just be friends. Even though he likes me a lot he's scared of all std's and doesn't want to take a risk of getting herpes in case we were to date and break up...I've only got rejected a few times due to my hsv status and it hurts a little, but I'll eventually move on.
  5. I have hsv2. I've had it for 2 years now. I have my good and bad days, and this past week was a bad week for me, I met this amazing guy. We've been talking for 5 months and I told him about a month in about the herpes. He asked a lot of questions. I answered them the best I could. I sent a link to this website to get trustworthy information rather than going to another website. He seemed okay with it. We had sex recently and then he texts me afterwards basically second guessing that we had sex. It was protected at first then unprotected so I understand his fear. I was the one who brought the condoms, and they were tight on him, so he decided to go without it. Now I'm feeling bad because he's having second thoughts and I can't seem to put him at ease. He seemed comfortable with it but not so much now. We haven't talked much and I'm giving him some space. I've disclosed to all my partners since I've been diagnosed How do you help a partner feel comfortable?
  6. thanks for the replies I was at my wits end this morning. I felt like I was getting enough sleep, but this week I've been so exhausted and have been sleeping on my lunch break and then sleeping okay at nighttime. I go on vacation Friday so hopefully that will reduce some stress. I won't rule out any other health issues. Still have a few doctors appointments coming up. I'm looking for some type of gummy vitamin...idk why I stopped taking my vitamins. Trying to work on my stress levels as of lately.
  7. So I've had hsv2 for about 2 years now. I get outbreaks a handful of times a year. Sometimes the outbreaks are back to back. I'm still learning what triggers an outbreak for me. I'm on Valtrex, but I only use it when I'm in a relationship, casual sex, or when an outbreak is going to happen. For the month I've been back on Valtrex and I bought manuka honey because I've been trying to get the sores to disappear. The sores are being really stubborn and they won't go away. I wish they'd go away or appear fully so that they can heal. It's just been a really frustrating month. I also think this outbreak is being weird because I've been trying to figure out what else is going on health wise. I went to the doctors to get another full STD test and a culture for a yeast infection or b.v. or a uti. All the tests came back negative, which is good for me, but I'm still having weird symptoms and stomach pains. I've been a little stressed over this and I've had a swollen lymph node in my groin area...assume its from the outbreak since everything else is negative. But I'm sooooo over it. I'm wondering if whatever is going on has my immune system ridiculously low. Maybe I need to drink more water, juice, and take a multi vitamin. I do have another doctors appt scheduled in april to rule out any stomach issues/gastrointestinal issues.
  8. 24 yr old female. Living in NY. Looking for someone to talk to, male or female
  9. I'm positive and my "boyfriend" isn't. Due to our circumstances we weren't able to have sex or physical contact until recently..October to be exact, and I was diagnosed in April. We've talked things over and I printed out the handouts from here...and things are going well. And our sex life is great! We have a few things to work out which is why I put quotes around the word boyfriend..but I think what helps is an open & honest line of communication about feelings, and emotions. And once you know what triggers your herpes then you can be like "no sex today i feel tingling" or whatever your specific symptom may be.
  10. I get pap smears every year and so far no abnormal cells. I need to get another pap smear or check up soon since my Dr won't refill my birth control until I do. I still have a few more refills though. I got a swab,visual diagnosis,and blood work. I guess I've been so stuck on who gave it to me, that I was content just knowing who I thought gave it to me. In a way it matters but it doesn't because I would have it regardless.
  11. No I don't know what his numbers were but thinking back it IS possible that he's negative. I just figured it was him since everything showed up 4 months after we had been intimate. We also had a conversation about STDs and he always said if he ever got herpes that'd be the worse, and he knows I have it and continues to have sex with me. So the wheels in my head were turning like he must have it ..Lol....so I don't know
  12. It's $10 per prescription. So if I take it twice a day...that's $10/week...$40 a month but lately it's only been $20/month because I'm stretching the meds out to two weeks. So I had another talk with my "giver". I again suggested that we can both go to the Dr together. We've both had second opinions I'm + he's not, but I have a gut feeling he is. We've been having sex lately so now I really want/need him to go get retested. But I gave him alot of facts from this site and I'm going to print out the handouts :) I hope he was soaking up all of the info again. He asked alot of questions like:can you get it from sharing towels? Can you have genital herpes and get it orally? If someone has it could they live normally?...so I answered all of the questions that I knew the answers to,and the ones I didn't know I told him I'd find out. I also wanted to go to the Dr with him because his dr seemed like he was annoyed that he came back twice to get tested for herpes...basically told him if a test comes back negative then it's negative and gave him a cream for what looked like hpv..idk though...I told him there is a such thing as a false negative. I think he's scared to really know.
  13. Thanks willow! And I'm also on the generic of valtrex..don't know how to spell it. But it does add up so instead of refilling my prescription every week it's every 2 weeks since I take it once a day. And I feel relieved to know that the people I've told thus far hasn't judged me.
  14. So, I've been doing good lately. I'm in a good place mentally, emotionally, and physically; and have been for awhile. I have my bad days every now and then but who doesn't. I've been lurking on here alot and post every once in awhile. I've disclosed to the guy who I feel gave me herpes,my male best friend, my 2 female best friends, and my mom. I told her first since I was a crying hysterical mess. But life is good! I was even thinking about writing a blog but I need to find time to do that. Quick question: Will taking antiviral once a day rather than twice,with the use of condoms and no sex during an active outbreak help protect your partner? Or should I up my dosage of valtrex to 2 times a day?
  15. Such a nice success story! I'm glad everything worked out
  16. I feel really lonely and vulnerable lately. So I just wanted to feel loved,a basic human trait after all. So the guy who I feel gave me herpes has denied denied denied to no end and we've had numerous amount of conversations about it. So a few days ago I got a chance to feel loved and it was wonderful. My mind set was he gave it to me so he can't 're-infect me. And if he was so adamant about not having it then why have sex with me. Not really an angry vent a mini success for me I guess. I have one of my best friends back before all of this happened we were stuck together like glue. I guess we've both had time to think about things these past few months
  17. Glad that you were able to finally relax and laugh. Also happy that you told your friend...I loved her response..good luck!!
  18. Thanks for the link. I needed a laugh
  19. Everything just happened so fast. And my mom always said "trust your gut feelings" I should've left since it wasn't a public place. But I definitely have learned from this experience and do not want it to happen again. Now I'm thinking what if he has hsv1 ughhhhh. I'm usually good with the std talks and testing but it didn't happen this time,or with the guy who I think gave me herpes. It was a turn off for sure. Lesson learned.
  20. I will try and update in this thread or ask questions here Thank you for all of these facts. I've been busy with work lately and school starts back up soon. But new question.....Should I feel guilty?? I was recently diagnosed in April of this year with hsv type 2. I recently started thinking of getting to know people as I'm learning to love myself all over again. I did take Valtrex twice a day but I've gone down to once a day. So there was this guy I met online on facebook so I wanted to see if I could get to know him better. We meet up and we're talking, and asking each other questions. And he literally kisses me and pulls down my pants and goes to town. I did try to stop him but by that point its obviously to late. I am really feeling like he will catch herpes now because he performed oral on me with no condom or dental dam. I feel guilty. Should I feel guilty? I did tell him no and tried to push him away but I think he thought I was being a tease or something. I have noticed that this guy didn't ask about any sexual related questions reguarding stds or anything prior to giving me oral. I should've seen his intentions with the kiss.
  21. Adrial- Thanks for the blog article and if I knew who gave me herpes it'd help me to cope just by knowing. Even though it wouldn't change that I have it. WCS- I'll check to see if the dr. gave me the test for any type of hpv..probably not and that's crazy that the CDC does that. Maybe if everyone was informed and the way technology is progressing maybe just maybe there could be a cure in the future...wishful thinking...
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