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Everything posted by lolo84

  1. Hi, i was about your age when i first got my diagnosis so i know how you are feeling. I would first tell you that the information book that Adrial put together and the fact sheet is very helpful when you want to disclose. Also, the posts about disclosing i found are very helpful. In my opinion, the first couple years is not easy in understanding the way this virus and your body works. Your OB's will be a little more frequent now and unpredictable because you need to recognize the symptoms. Sometimes a jolt of pain or itchiness is just that. Usually, for me when i have an OB in the genital area i feel tingling and numbness.. the area feels kinda heavy to begin with. Yes, you now have herpes, but it is totally manageable and DO NOT be so hard on yourself. Unfortunately there is no rewind / erase button but with time, acceptance and patience you will be able to move forward. I promise :)
  2. Hi Guys, Just stumbled onto this website a few days ago. I just want to say that reading all these disclosure posts has been extremely helpful to prepare for this talk. A little background on me: I am 30 y/o, I was diagnosed about 10+ years ago and learning to deal with this virus has been a challenge as it really did a number on my self-worth and self-love. I have both HSV-2 and herpetic whitlow and i am not currently on any suppressive meds since my OB are limited to 3-4 times a year (if that). I have been single for most of my adult life and now that i have lost some weight and started to feel good about myself, i am finally dating a great guy exclusively. We met through Plenty of Fish, he is almost 3 years younger than me and seems mature and understanding... Things have moved rather quickly for us and it's going so well, too well that its been about 3 weeks (2 officially as a couple) and i dont want to prolong the talk any longer. The thought of this is of course... terrifying but it needs to be done. I haven't had to disclose to someone in YEARS. I read a post about someone who wrote a letter and it feels like the best approach for me because i always stumble on my words when nervous. I plan to read the letter to him but i may burst into tears since this is something very emotional for me. I have hope and a good feeling things could go well and herpes will not be an issue but the future is always uncertain. Any tips/suggestions/encouragement is appreciated. Thanks :)
  3. Hi, i just want to say that your post is very inspiring and it brought me to tears (good tears). I am going through a similar situation and i need to disclose to the person i am dating. Your letter is very well written and I plan to do something similar because words fail me sometimes when i need them most. This is terrifying but its something that absolutely needs to be done. Thank you for sharing your experience, it truly gave me some hope :)
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