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  1. He knew the risk of getting it igave him all the details and did his own research. He refuses to talk to me which is fine he's super bitter but he knew ihad it and knew he had a chance of getting it....idont have medicine cuz idont have health insurance and inever get outbreaks ithink I've had for sure 2 of them in 2 years.
  2. @breath123 for sure you can totally PM me but I wish you the best you ultimately will know when the timing is right
  3. Ihave lots of stories ican tell you about disclosing weather it be for dating purposes or hook ups...Iused to feel like you have but after awhile of having to do it I realize that it's not the end of the world and if he can't accept that Ihave it and accept me for it then he isn't worth my time or deserves me. It's a skin condition that can flare up once in awhile and best advice to give him is tell him your story of getting it and then tell him how you control your outbreaks. Me personally I've had it since 2012 and got OB back to back for the first year and bam haven't had any OB till a month ago ihad a mini one but ilet the know I take care of myself and I'm honest when I tell them I've passed it to two people the entire time honesty is the best policy. If he doesn't accept you for it then do know there are other fishes in the sea and you'll find your nemo it'll all work out how it's supposed to. You can always PM message me if you have anymore questions or want to talk but iwould suggest doing it sooner than later it will relive your stress on it ipromise and if you wait any longer and he reacts negatively your feelings and emotions are supper invested and it'll hurt way worse (been in that situation before)
  4. It's skin to skin contact trust me your sister is fine I've done the same thing but with my roomie and she's totally chill and if your OB healed two weeks ago you should be chillin too cuz I wait two weeks after my OB have healed before to do anything or worry and haven't transmitted it to anyone like that so your solid take a deep breath
  5. Ugh really struggling right now....ihavnt had a real outbreak in about 2 years almost and I'm starting to get it now...I've forgotten what to do Icant get medicine cuz idont have health insurance....this totally sucks
  6. He finally talked to me like a month and a half almost 2 months later and apologized for not talking to me and that he got freaked out and it wasn't fair to me for him to do that it's not a big deal anymore iactually found our one of my friends have it an slows who my giver was too and for it from his best friend....so im ok now thank you for the love you guys
  7. I've been talking to someone and feelings between the both of us have bloomed and feelings are strong....we had a great day yesterday had a breakfast date before ihad work he is a true gentleman and I'm so in my head right now icoildnt sleep last night and ijust feel so shitty I'm listening to my music crying on my back porch right now....I really like him and tried him what happened and that I've given it to two people one on accident and one knew iwas in an OB and he still wanted to sleep with me and was my be at the time. I'm so afraid of his answer he's become friends with all my friends I'm just really emotional and iknow if he doesn't want to continue then iknoe he isn't worth it and it wasn't meant to be but Jesus I'm really not ok emotionally I've disclosed to so many people and never had the fear be this bad before
  8. WCSD thou were the one who truly helped me get over it and helped me threw it when ifelt so alone you helped me love myself. Enlight no Ididnt get it on my mouth as far as Iknow but igot tested and was positive for genital HSV1 im sorry she dumped you after. Mine stayed with me and made me feel worthless and that no one else would love someone who has it and iwould forever be alone. It sucked but now im free and don't even think about it anymore if you take care of yourself you can control it without medicine
  9. Idont do daily shores sang because Idont get OB anymore ihavnt had one in like almost two years and no wee didn't
  10. Ya it's probably just your period coming iget those sometimes and periods can trigger an OB I've gotten the same symptoms you should be fine
  11. And if no one has told you or you have felt loved ilove you and will continue to love you until you love yourself even after iwill still love you ❤️
  12. First iwould like to start off with saying Ihabe had HSV1 since September 2012. When ifirst got diagnosed iwas so beside myself and so lonely feeling worthless feeling like iwas disgusting. My H giver who was my bf at the time denied that he ever gave it to me and called me all kinds of nasty names and saying iwas dirty and a whore. Granted ohad only slept with one other person for a year and a half before him and never caught anything. My H giver wasn't so kind and didn't hl to take care of me during this time. Iended up in the hospital with my first OB because the pain was so bad. For the first year iwas so totally broken and having OBs and getting them so bad istill had to work (iwas a server) and hard to walk at all. This past year and a half Ihave only had one OB and ialways forget Ihave it till someone wants to be intimate and the. Idisclosed. Setes it's ALIL imtomading but something Ihabe come to realize if someone is going to judge me on a skin condition. Ihave that only flares up when im not taking care of myself then they arnt worth my time or effort. Ihabe learned toove myself, to take care oftself. Ihabe found that meditation works wondering for omes body , mind, and soul. It has helped me to controlt stress levels and focus on bettering myself. Love yourself for who you are all you flaws and brokenness....im greTful for getting H. It has helped me to make better life decisions and knowtself worth and to value myself. If there anyone out there who is having a hard time and feel down or anything negative message me. Im going to make it a point to be on here more and try to help others on here like they have helpede especially in my first year. If it weren't for this support group idk how iwould have gotten threw my hard time. Feel free toes safe me im here for anyone and everyone
  13. Ya he still won't talk toe he's super bitter and ice tried to appologize to him and talk to him and patch things up but nothing anymore so that's that im over it it's not entirely my fault he knew ihad it and knew he had a chance of catching it so it's not entirely my fault
  14. Im totally freaking out. He just told me he has a blister today and asking me all questions. Ifeel so guilty and Iknow ikind of shouldn't because he knows Ihave it and that there's a chance he could catch it. Ididnt start feeling like ihad an OB till this morning icant tell if it is or just having too much sex. But now he's not talking to me and Ihave no clue how to react ihavnt had an OB in like a year and a half and I've only given it to one other person who knew ihad it and knew iwas in an OB and knew he was gonna catch it....what do ido?
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