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Everything posted by Sasssyy

  1. Thanks for taking the time to answer some of my questions (:
  2. I have a blister on the inside on my cheek but was diagnosed with Genital Herpes. I just want to know can I pass this on from kissing while I had the blister in my mouth. I Also had unprotected sex two days ago but no longer have an outbreak on my genitals that I've felt or seen. Can I pass it on? He was the only person I had been with for 3 months now. And the last time we had sex was in November and the 2nd week of dec I noticed an outbreak
  3. Just wondering what was your first outbreak like? I've been completely sick and losing lots of weight due to nausea and no appetite. Also how long have you known you had it? How many outbreaks have you had? I know they say the first is the worst. Also how old were you when you found out. I'm only 18 and I found out Christmas Eve. SUCKS! Also how have you dealt with it? I'm full of questions at this point.
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