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  1. Not to be an ass. But from what everyone has told me and from what I've read, the first outbreak is the worst and quite honestly I only got one bump. And go figure its at the base where the condom doesn't cover. -_- that's what I get for going balls deep. All of these are very good questions, as I plan to disclose my awesome (sarcasm) situation. I'm looking for the answers to these questions now. In case she needs more information and has some of these same ones. If anyone has or gets the answers I'd greatly appreciate it if they are posted here. Thank you. I get on here every day to read up on everyone else's situations and results. This place really is great! Thanks Adrial!
  2. I've now disclosed it a few times among friends both male and female. In a way I find it easier to deal with when the people you love most and spend the most time with know about it. That way its not all bottled up inside and you don't feel like your dealing with it by yourself. It's risky for sure. But you'd be surprised how many of them say "hey join the club". Probably 7 out 10 friends have or have had an std. Whether it was curable or not, they will more than likely relate. Then it becomes thought of as more of a cold or flu rather than a stigmatic rash.
  3. Gifted, you're in the right place. Welcome to the H opp.
  4. Once again life has thrown the curve ball of relearning how to be the bigger person. So let's offer the information and not call them out on ignorance no matter what the response is. Adrial, I think I can speak for a lot of us on here when I say that I/we wish we could have known you personally before you contracted H. Whether you were the same person before you got H or not. You are one hell of a guy :). Your thought process is unsurpassed. So far every time I have read one of your responses, I look at this whole thing a little bit different. A little better. So thank you bro for the kind words of wisdom and the upbeat positive attitude!
  5. You're absolutely right Adrial. But wouldnt you agree that it shows a long term character trait in a person if they were to reject someone with H, without first taking the opportunity to educate themselves? Maybe I was thinking about this the wrong way. But it goes both ways. Before any of us contracted H, at some point we all said eww. Or made a comment about herpes. Now that we all have it, we have taken the time to educate ourselves about it. I must say, Id prefer my new self with my new look on my partner selection thought process, rather than my old self. What I mean is I would rather someone that would atleast take the time to learn about H and then make a more well informed decision. In the event the prospective partner still says no way, then hey atleast they showed good/mature character before they just prejudged.
  6. These responses are why we are all here. Words of encouragement and reminders to hold our heads up high. Always remember nothing has changed who you are. If someone does not want to completely accept you for any reason. Then they don't deserve you in their life. Think about it like your a young mom. Kids are with you forever. If a fella comes along and can't accept the fact that you have kids, then that guy isn't worthy of your time and effort. It is NOT the other way around. Harlow, everything is going to fall into place and everything will be just fine.
  7. Harlow, I think its safe to say that at one point or another we have all felt the same way you do now. In fact I'm still feeling that way. I too am 21 and found out I have herpes less than a week ago. Honestly when I found out I had herpes I felt full of shame and depressed. Like I had done something wrong. Lol excuse me for having sex with my girlfriend. The more I read what adrial says about it and the more research I do, I've learned he's right. It's just a complex skin condition, nothing more. Harlow, I'm new at this too, but trust me it makes it easier to understand when you know what it is. My advice is to do your homework with a science point of view. Not the point of view that says how could this happen to me! And as I will, just keep up with these forums. We are all here and in the same boat and we all have our up days and down days. If we stick together this will get easier and we can rise above it. After all its only a fine detail that makes up our bodies. It's NOT who we are. :)
  8. I was always a very optimistic person. Talking to you guys is like a breath of fresh air.
  9. Adrial, thank you for this page and words of kind wisdom. This page is the first place or time that I've told anyone about this new chapter.
  10. 3 days ago I found out I have hsv2. What a wake up call. I don't look at girls the same way. I used to be outgoing and the hint of possible rejection couldn't deter me. Now whenever I see someone I went to school with or even a pretty girl, I just turn away. It feels like I have "I have herpes" stamped across my forehead. Is there a trick to getting over this initial shock? Also everything I've read anywhere says that the first outbreak is terrible. I'm going on day 5 its almost gone and I'm sure it had to be there a couple days before I even noticed. It doesn't hurt or itch and its only 2 bumps. Normal? Or will the next outbreak be worse? New to this life with herpes please help.
  11. Hey guys an gals. Just found out I have hsv2 three days ago. For the guys with this, I have a ton of questions. But ultimately, male or female I need a buddy! Anyone in the south west Florida area?
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