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  1. I understand that.. we didn't have sex... he just rubbed it on my vagina once or twice.
  2. So last night I had my ex over and we were messing around, did not have sex. He went down on me and rubbed his penis up against me and we were both unclothed... this morning I get up and unknown to my knowledge I have a small outbreak. I'm really bummed because I'm very in tune with my body and this time I didn't have any signs or prodrome! What are the odds of me passing it to him?
  3. I tried the tee tree but it burned my skin, I actually just tried moraccan oil and it's working. Only relief I got from the pain. I've had an outbreak for about a week with 4 big lesions really sucks. Just something you have to get used to unfortunately :/ hang in there, you aren't alone.
  4. So I've been dealing with an outbreak... almost as bad as my initial. I get so depressed when I get breakouts. I still have yet to confront the person who gave this to me. I've been so angry and want to confront him but then part of me says no don't there's no reason now. I always go back to thinking I'm never going to get in another relationship and that I'll never get to have kids :/ I hate when I feel like this. On a positive note I've got no relief from anything for my breakout so I randomly tried moraacan oil, I've had instant relief. I'll post if it really helps but I can tell you I've used prescription grade lidocaine and it's done NOTHING, the moraacan oil is relieving the pain.
  5. I used an ice pack down there to top itching... didn't stop it completely but definitely.gave me some relief. Goodluck
  6. Omg that sounds exactly what I've been dealing with and I wonder if ibs could possibly be Celiac... I've been having pain in my stomach for a while Now. Wondering if that could have thrown off the culture?
  7. No I've had breakouts lasting over a month each time back to back... For the past year I've probably had MAYBE 7 days breakout free. But it's alway around my butt and its rash like.. Not sores. She said it could be from my ibs isk?
  8. Went to a new doctor since being diagnosed a year ago... Explained that I've had breakout after breakout lasting over a month each breakout and having then repeatedly for a year with no relief at all from valtrex... Also explained that my culture was "positive" says my old doctor but blood test was negative. I told her I was having an outbreak at the time so she took a look... Told me it doesn't look like hsv-2 and doesn't seem to be hsv-2 from hearing about my symptoms and whata been going on. So she sends me Over for more blood work... NEGATIVE ... Again.... I'm So confused as to how it could have no antibodies after a year.. Anyone have any clue? Il Going to cal her back tomorrow and see what tests were performed. I'm so confused. I never saw any results from the first time around so I'm not sure what tests were performed then? She requested my records be transferred and awaiting those.
  9. Yea maybe I should... Thanks for the tip
  10. Yea that's what I was thinking too. I've been on anti virals since I got H. They don't really do much for me unfortunately.
  11. Of course jokes, Missouri. Thanks for googling.. Guess I'll be the experiment. I get the shots every week for a year... I really hope this isn't a trigger... Would make sense if it is though... Allergy shots are injecting your body with a low dose of your allergens and I'm assuming your body learning to fight them off slowly over time.... Which is kinda the same thing your body does with hsv 2... Learning to fight it off slowly over time.
  12. I'm about a year in with HSV-2 and I started getting allergy shots a couple weeks ago. I was already having a little outbreak but it's been on going for over a month. I tried to look it up and see if the shots would cause an outbreak but i didn't find any info. Has anyone had shots and had outbreaks from it or is this just a coincidence? Also, dancer how is ldn doing for you?
  13. Don't let that one girl ruin it for everyone else. Who knows what she's going through, it sounds like there's more going on than just h. A normal sane person doesn't go around lying about pregnancy and aborting a child to get back at someone. She sounds like she's got some psychological issues going on that need to be consulted with a professional. I know it's tough now but you said you're a good looking guy and seem to be a pretty good person you'll find someone. Maybe herpes will help you chose a better significant other than you've been choosing in the past... Comsidering your giver wasn't a very honest upfront person. Evaluate why you liked someone of that nature and how you will learn from that in the future. You're going to be ok and there are great people out there.. Just read all the posts here because most of us are honest and I know I would never not tell someone. When you allow someone to make a decision about H instead of just getting it randomly it's a lot less devastating because you knew. Keep your head up and do things that make you happy! Xoxo
  14. That's awesome... ive never been in as good as shape or ate as healthy as I am now... H has really helped with me focusing on myself instead of everyone else and sleeping with losers who are going no where. doesnt help with my pickiness with men but hopefully I'll start picking men with better qualities than just looks :) glad to hear your great story!
  15. I felt the same way and I honestly think that's pretty normal but... Give yourself time and you will feel better. I was deeply depressed for months... Still not 100% but like anything time heals. You still are normal and don't forget that. I really hope you feel better soon because I know how deep and dark I felt. Just remember everything happens for a reason and maybe this is protecting you from something worse. :/ keep your head up and go read success stories, those always made me feel better.
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