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Everything posted by Emil65

  1. I would love to agree with this but I have to say my experience has been very different. I have had hsv2 for one year and I get an outbreak every month sometimes twice a month and it is really hard to deal with. I have take Valtrex and as far as I can tell it makes no difference. I'm hoping this will get better but as of now it does not feel like having H is "not serious".
  2. Hello all, I have had many outbreaks since getting the bad news last year but this one is terrible; It just won't seem to go away. Has anyone out there experienced this? My life is fairly stressful right now and I think that has something to do with it but still this is by far the worst OB I have had to date. Anybody have any idea how to make this stop? I am on Valtrex (or generic version) no luck. Any advice would be much appreciated.
  3. I also have physical habits and yeah this is getting in the way! It sucks. I can take Valtrex but I would rather not as it is expensive and not great for you to take long term. I'm on my second outbreak in about a month and searching for ways to get them under control without drugs.
  4. Go and get tested and make sure that you tell them you are concerned that you may have herpes. If you don't they might not test for it. It is NOT included in the standard std tests at planned parenthood which I think is crazy but if you ask to be examined and tested for it they will test for it. PP is great and will help you figure out what is going on. Don't worry you will be okay the first OB is the worst in my experience.
  5. Hello, I'm looking for someone to talk to about living with H. I was Recently diagnosed with HSV-2 and have few people that I feel like I can talk to about it. I'm a 36 y/o male currently living in New Hampshire. Would love to talk to anyone out there male or female about all this HSV, helpful just to know that I am not alone. Thanks -E
  6. I'm sure this is well worn territory on this forum but does Valtrex help speed up the healing process? Can anyone tell me their experiences with taking Valtrex (or similar drugs) Vs. not taking them and allowing their bodies to do the work? Was the healing time the same? I have had outbreaks while I was on Valtrex and when I was not taking it... Any help here would be much appreciated. So far I've received mixed reviews from people on Valtrex. I recently was diagnosed with HVS-2 and am still trying to figure out how to deal with it both on the medication side and how to think about living with the virus. Any help is much appreciated. Thanks
  7. I have not yet passed that 4-6 but thanks for the advice. Still having the initial OB's I think.
  8. You are not alone! I have it and so does my partner, we found out together and are still together. Anything is possible.
  9. I'm wondering, If my partner and I both have H should we be afraid of contact when one of us is having an OB? Can one OB cause another? Even though we both have the same virus? One of us got H it from the other and we are in a closed relationship so a new virus is very unlikely. Thanks!
  10. Thank you everyone for the help! I've been having pretty bad outbreaks on the meds and I'm wondering if people have any success stories not taking them? Is everyone on a constant dose like I am? I'm pretty much willing to take anything to stop my OB but I do wonder about the risks to my liver and over all well being taking so much medication. C I'm on 1000 mg a day right now and usually 500 a day. This forum is Really helpful! So again, thank you.
  11. I recently found out I have hsv 2 and started taking valacyclovir but I am still having outbreaks. I am taking 500 mg a day and it worked for about a month but now the outbreaks are back with a vengeance. I upped my dosage at my doctors recommendation but so far it hasn't really helped. Can anyone help me out with some advice? I've heard that it gets better as you get further away from the initial outbreak for some and I am hoping that I am one of those people! Thus far that does not seem to be the case. Any advice from on how to control outbreaks would be much appreciated. Anyone who has more experience with this than I do? Thanks!
  12. Again, thanks for the feedback. That's what I thought but it's helpful to have it confirmed. My partner claimed to never have had symptoms and I have never had symptoms until last month. I'm trying to figure out if I should contact my ex's and warn them as I don't know if I had H before without symptoms and accidentally passed it on. Very confusing and topic of conversation. Can you offer any advice there? Did you tell your previous partners just to be safe? I always had protected sex but I'm learning about that not making a difference sometimes. Thanks!
  13. Thanks, heres a little explanation for you. I had a culture test and a blood test. The blood tests came back with mixed results but my doctor said that it is HSV2 and the culture agreed. The blood test I got was called enzyme-linked immunonsorbent assay (ELISA). One was positive one was negative. Maybe I should get tested again? My partner tested positive for H2 in two separate blood tests. I'm on Valcyclovir (Is that how it's spelled?) and my symptoms have subsided for the most part. I'm feeling better mentally with every passing day but the medication is rough on my system. Hoping that improves as well. Sincerely appreciate your advice and feedback. Thank you! -E
  14. So I just got tested a few weeks ago, blood and culture test and it is official.... I have HSV 2. I'm feeling pretty awful about the whole situation. Basically all the emotions that everyone else has voiced here and maybe a little extra on the side. How did this happen? Where did it come from? Who did I get it from? What does the future look like? On and on and on. I'm on meds and so far I start to have an OB as soon as I stop taking them, not my preferred outcome but I'm really hoping this is going to improve over time. One thing I am grateful for is this site. It makes a huge difference just to know that other people out there are going through this and that I'm not alone. Feeling pretty isolated. Any help or advice is much appreciated. -E
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