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Everything posted by Livefiercely21

  1. Awww thank you! And same for you too. Mine clears up a bit in a spot then moves else where :( it never goes away!! It's been a week and it seems to get better and heal then I look and it's moved again :p frustrating!
  2. Oh I'm glad you liked my post :D I figure its awesome getting help and venting to people who understand what it's like to be in this situation but it's nice to see some positivity drawn from it too lol. And I'm sorry to hear about the divorce hun :(
  3. For sure I understand where you're coming from and I appreciate the advice :) it is a good point because he was tested just when we were first together but it might not have made an appearance on a test yet. I know I probably haven't made the best impression of him but he's actually a good guy. I knew him since high school as a friend. I know it's not right for him to think that way and we're not on speaking terms yet but I'm 99.9% sure it was my ex.
  4. Thanks ladies :) that puts me much more at ease. I just wasn't sure what the responsible thing would be to do. Looks like one way I'm gonna de-stress is with a massage ;) after the pain and my outbreak is gone lol for now I'm hibernating.
  5. To this day he still claims that he didn't give it to me and maybe I cheated on him.. What a winner right? I would never, never have and never will cheat. I just realized too late how full of crap he was
  6. My ex was a lieing and cheating ass. I just had no idea he would cheat but also put me at risk.
  7. Cause my last partner cheated on me and was on tinder. I caught him using it and he admitted he did and it's cause he was "insecure". I noticed I didn't quite feel the same in the middle of that relationship but assumed it was just sensitivity or something. And my current bf got chlamydia from me from my last relationship cause I had no signs and my doctor assumed from looking at me that I was in the clear.
  8. Oh good one :D I was floundering for an excuse and all I could think of was my leg muscles were spasming lol!
  9. Hi there :) Maybe if I humanize myself a bit more you might feel like you're not alone. My actual name is Erica Smith. I am 21 going to be 22 as of October 15th. I live in Ottawa and I still live with my parents and brother. I'm currently trying to tell my brother about my recent diagnoses ( 5 ) days now. I found out from having symptoms of my first outbreak. It is a little scary not gonna lie and days I feel numb and others I feel like a mess. But I'm realizing that I lived for months without noticing and felt completely myself. And I will continue to feel like myself :) I've only told 3 friends who have been extremely supportive and treat me no less different than before. Your sister must just be uninformed about H. Get her to research a bit about it and she'll realize that even having sex with someone carrying H without protection is not a guarantee way to contract it. My boyfriend and I just found out I have it from my first symptoms of showing. He is currently getting retested but he showed up as negative the first time he was tested when we were together and having an active sex life. This is not the end of the world hun :) it's annoying but manageable. You just gotta be smart with dealing with outbreaks and take medication at it's earliest signs. I figured that out after my window of taking it lol but I'm handling it. If you want to communicate a little more personally add me on fb :) I have a short brown pixie cut with dark purple lips and my cousin to my right of the picture with blonde hair. Message me if you think it's me saying "hey Missy" it's my nickname :) I would love to talk especially since we're in the same boat and pretty much the same age as well :) hope to hear from you soon!
  10. That's a huge relief to hear :) I'm just very cautious of spreading it to anyone because I'd never forgive myself. I'm not embarrassed or ashamed to have it and I would openly say I carry H if someone asked I just don't want to make someone nervous around me because of the unfortunate stigma.
  11. It's funny but if you think about it, living with H I'm coming to realize could be a great motivator in life to achieve goals you always wanted but were too lazy or "busy" to do. Personal goals of mine have been to start taking yoga classes regularly and become physically fit. Abs in particular :) as well as journaling what I do in a day and be more productive. Especially going to bed at a decent hour and getting up earlier. I've been doing research and everything required to keep H in check is to cut out stress, be physically fit, eat healthy, get decent sleep, and track your habits :) funny how what I wanted but was not required to accomplish is what I need to do to handle living with H. And let's face it an outbreak is a great motivator to put that chocolate cake down and to actually wake up and go to the gym in the morning instead of hitting the snooze button. We need to stop thinking of this as a hindrance and instead see it as a physical motivator to be the best we can be. Even if we're going through an outbreak and we're feeling gross or unattractive, just look in the mirror and realize that nothing has changed :) we're still as attractive as before. And nothing can take that away from us. Lots of love :)
  12. Hey everyone, I just wanted to know if getting a tattoo or going to spas are still OK to enjoy even while living with H? I'm nervous of going somewhere and being denied a service because of the risk of spreading H even if there's no symptoms at the time?
  13. Sounds good to me :) any fellow Canadians? Lol! I don't have any preferences just maybe someone in the Ottawa region or even Ontario?
  14. I'm so sorry hun :( I've been diagnosed for 5 days now with symptoms and I'm in a similar boat. My past relationship (the guy I got it from) cheated on me and was on tinder. I thought he was just a jerk and moved on and found a great guy I've been with for a few months now and just had my first outbreak. He has no symptoms but probably has it too. The actual fact of having herpies isn't as bad as the emotional trauma of feeling guilt. I can tell you're a sweetheart and never meant any harm. Things happen and it's not your fault. Everyone copes differently with things over time so he'll be fine :) just become educated with herpies and know your body. You did the responsible thing by telling him and he consented so there's no fault.
  15. I appreciate everyone from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to weigh in on my comment :) the support is so nice to have! None of my family members know yet and it's great hearing perspectives from mothers as well :) the hugs are so sweet and I send them back too :) the guilt I already feel is stressing me so much I get panic attacks from time to time. I can't blame him for feeling betrayed or upset with me even if there was no intent or knowledge of having this but I am keeping the fact that he is supportive but has no sympathy cause I "messed up" and got bit on the butt for it in mind because even my worst enemy doesn't deserve this. Let alone a loved one and partner.
  16. Thank you so much for the feedback ladies! I purchased a few things like the Epsom salt, ibuprofen and a cool compress already but I'm gonna try everything to get through it. Very sweet of you guys to take the time to help :) I loved the tips for relief at work cause that's the worst! If I have another person ask why I'm walking funny again I'm gonna cry lol!
  17. I completely agree! And my bf is handling it well but there's a bit of resentment :( so I'm dealing with the outbreak apart for now. Cause I can't tell him how horrible it is cause he doesn't feel sympathetic which I understand 100% but his logic of me "deserving it" cause I trusted the wrong person is extremely stressful :( but I'm staying positive cause it's not the end of the world :) and I'm finding out it's manageable
  18. Hello again, I just wanted feedback for the circumstance of your partner feeling that you "messed up" and deserve this to some extent for not realizing the person who has given this was bad news in the first place. I am a very open and positive person who looks for the best in people. That might be naieve but I don't think H is diserved from trusting the wrong person and maybe missing some red flags?
  19. Looks like we're twins lol! I'm in pretty much the exact same boat as you. I am dealing with my first outbreak, lovely isn't it, and my boyfriend of 4 months may have it as well. I was with a guy for 7 months and broke up with him because I found out he was using tinder. He seemed like the last person to do this but unfortunately he did. I felt heavy betrayal from being cheated on and so much guilt and despair about my boyfriend possibly contracting it too that I had major panic attacks and missed work. I have yet to tell my family but I have a lot of support from a couple close friends. This is all very new to me but reading your message has made me feel a million times better. No words can describe how much thankfulness I feel for you having the courage to share your story.
  20. Hello everyone, I have been dealing with symptoms of my first outbreak for 4 days now and am finding it very difficult. It's affecting my work and overall lifestyle. I'm having trouble moving much and have little to no relief from the pain. I have no urge to itch but the pain is severe. I was wondering if you have any tips or tricks for at home treatments? All help will be very appreciative! My mentality is positive it's just the physical side of H that is very crippling. I am seeing a doctor very soon to hopefully get a prescription for future outbreaks but in the mean time I'm floundering, trying to cope physically without help :(
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