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  1. That's horrible. I don't understand why some guys are like that. Maybe he didn't actually realize he had HSV2? Most people don't and the way he is reacting shows denial. I think you are definitely handling it far better than he is and he will realize he is all alone now and will want you back. Guys usually freak out like this when in denial and say things they regret, but he was already bad, so maybe try avoiding him for good? I too had problems being with girls and I would say a lot of things before that were just terrible. I figured out my problem was that I just hated myself and had no real confidence. That cocky attitude he has. It's fake. A real confident man doesn't have to do any of that. It's just a barrier to hide from the world. It's like a mask. He alone has to figure this out and fix it himself. You deserve better and you will find better :)
  2. You can definitely have both. HSV1 is for oral, but can be on the genitals, just it will be far less frequent that HSV2. HSV2 is for genitals, but it can be oral, just by an extremely small chance.
  3. I guess if the stigma around it wasn't so harsh, no one would care huh? I will wait for that test then. Thank you 2Legit2Quit and Sil. I'm sure you know exactly what it is I'm going through. I never actually told my mom... I just brought up the idea of it. To see her opinion of it. Yes, HIV is the real scary one and I am happy that it is not that.
  4. Ok I will do that then and thank you for talking to me. I've been having a lot of horrible thoughts today...
  5. I would say about 3-4 days. A week at most. I haven't noticed anything honestly. Once I got the call, I started feeling funny ironically, but I'm cool at the moment. My cousin is going with me to get tested again at another clinic.
  7. Of course. Would you like to me take a picture or type the results? That's what my cousin said, but we will just have to see. Yes... It hurt especially since this was my second partner to have sex with. She had no idea that she even had herpes.
  8. Hello! My name is Sammy, 20 years old, and yesterday I found out that I have HSV-1 and HSV-2. I assumed for awhile that I had already contracted HSV-1, but it never really bothered me. I was never the type to sleep around or much honestly. I usually just slept with a good friend of mine every week or so, but we stopped talking. I went to this party about a week or so ago and it just happened. It was unprotected and that was it. The next day I just had a feeling I contracted something, so I asked Google like a moron and immediately thought I was now HIV+. So I paid for the test and made sure they checked for everything. I was a little worried, and then I forgot about it. Time went by and I just lived my life as I usually do dealing with parents, stress, and school. Yesterday morning I got "the call." The doctor seemed as cheery as usual. Took her sweet time with andddd you don't have HIV and the other STD's. Then she finally told me I had HSV-1, oral herpes, and that I was weakly positive for HSV-2. I didn't really know what to say since I didn't know much about it. She said if I start seeing blisters down there to come by and get started on treatment and that was it. I called my cousin immediately since I almost had a panic attack and she assured me that I was fine and that she knows plenty of people with it that have a healthy, happy, normal life and that she was just happy I didn't get a girl pregnant or contract HIV. I wanted to tell my parents, but she said it would be horrible and they would not take it well at all. I brought up the topic to my mother today to see her opinion on it since she did have chicken pox and her mom had shingles. Of course she said a cold sore was NOT herpes and that only dirty people catch it and what not. I feel like shit, but it is what it is. Until society views genital herpes like they do cold sores, I guess this is just how it is. I haven't had an outbreak yet, so that makes me a little nervous, but I have my cousin who will help me through this. Should I start on that suppression medication or not? Do creams help at all? How do I know when an outbreak is going to occur? I can't lie, I'm scared.
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