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Everything posted by Roxy

  1. Hi Everyone.. Hoping this is the right place to be posting this but I sure could use someone to talk to. My boy friend just found out he has H.. He got real sick and had an out break.. He never even knew he had it. We have been together for eight months. I have tested negative at this time but the doctor will test me again in three weeks. I am wondering how to go forward in this relationship. He is taking it real hard, but doesn't want to talk to anyone yet. I love the guy.. :) He is a good man. But we have no idea how to go about have any kind of intimate relations now.. And celibacy isn't his thing.. Nor mine.. I probably would do best with a female buddy, but I really don't mind either way.. I am 50 yrs old and my guy is 55. Needless to say.. this is a big shock to both of us.. And any one that can give some advice or some hints.. and some good old fashioned talk would be appreciated.. Thanks so much ... Roxy
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