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  1. Hello everyone my friend is flipping out because he got his second Oral HSV2 outbreak in a little more than a month from being exposed after the doctor said that he would not see another Oral HSV2 outbreak since they are rare. How many recurrences do such outbreaks have? He seems to be going nuts about whether he got it or not down the waist too. The doctor told him that since he has had two Oral HSV2 outbreaks in a month (the last one following a major cold that he had along with major stress about this whole ordeal), that he is fairly certain that my friend did not contract anything down there since the HSV2 virus is forcefully coming out of an "unpreferred" location rather than its preferred location down the waist when it should have already come out in both places. Is this true? Thank you for helping me be here for my friend :(
  2. So I am freakedo out cause my friend who has recently been diagnosed with Oral HSV2 now has a cold. Do I have to fear and be extra careful of any nasal discharge that he may have contains the HSV virus?
  3. If one had HSV2 orally and genitally, would the initial outbreak happen at the same time if it was in both places? My friend got an oral HSV2 outbreak but not one below the waist. How many recurrences can one expect from Oral HSV2?
  4. He said it was a swab test and he got it tested because he urged the girl he was seeing to get tested before having sex but after kissing her he got sores in his mouth 10 days later. Two weeks after that he found out she tested positive for HSV2. He thinks she might have had it on her mouth too without having symptoms. If she had not told him he would have gone on thinking that the cold sore was normal and nothing but a pimple.
  5. I just told him what you have said and he said to thank you :) He asked these things: 1. Is autoinoculation infection is within days because of the fact that the immune system is so low that it allows for replication in the newly infected area? 2. How come herpes whitlow can take up to 20 days to appear after autoinoculation in the fingers if it is mostly within days? 3. He asked that if 80% of people are totally asymptomatic for life? 4. How many recurrences does Oral HSV2 have in a year? Thank you for being of much help and support to me and my friend :)
  6. Thank you so much! Your answer will be of great help to my friend!! :) He is a mess right now. He got the outbreak for 5 days from the 5th of the month to the 10th of the month. How quickly does autoinoculation infection appear on another site of the body such as the boxer area? Thank you for a speedy response :)
  7. Hello everyone. One of my best friends just got diagnosed with Oral HSV2 (Genital Herpes) which he told me is rare, but there you go. He is flipping out about it. Anyways he had been diagnosed 2 days after having a blister pop up on his lip. The doctor swabbed it and confirmed HSV2. Anyways he is freaking out because the first day (of the primary infection) he did not recognize it mistaking it for a pimple and touched it and wiped his hand on a towel and then went to the bathroom. He had told me that he also applied pimple cream on it and wiped his hand on a towel and then gone to the bathroom again. Anyways he has been going all over for this question but no answers. He had wondered how long it would take for symptoms (if any) to appear below the waist after contact with his possibly HSV2 contagious hands because of going to the bathroom?
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