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Everything posted by Moon

  1. was he tested and confirmed hsv1 and hsv2 positive? No, wasn't tested at all. She looked at him and said "Its herpes, Ive been doin this for 30 years" I don't really understand why she talked us out of the test. Maybe she assumed we are broke because we don't have insurance But we are willing to pay whatever it cost out of pocket. After researching I also regretted not having him swabbed.
  2. Should I be tested? My husband has both oral and genital herpes. I've never had symptoms. Both have been faithful. If someone had a cold sore on the lips, can we still kiss? Would contact with the virus cause the other to develop a cold sore eventho they already have the same strain? My husband has had cold sores all his life, he probably got it from his family, they all get them. I've never had one, neither has anyone else in my family. I was very young when I met him. And like many others were uneducated about this until now... I thought it was like canker sores, everyone gets them. But he did tell me that I could catch the virus, but I didn't care, to me it wasn't a STD. He's always been very paranoid of giving it to me and ashamed when one does pop up. I tell him it's no big deal, no one cares, etc. If I got one I wouldn't really care. Years later, we learned that oral herpes can Be passed to the genitals. I didn't know that. So, then he never did oral on me and never let his saliva get anywhere. So, it's been 10 Years now. He'll get a bump near or on his junk and freak out every so often, go to the doctor, and it's never herpes. The doctor actual had to explain to him when you get older that the appearance of your penis will change, lol. But then One day it was herpes... I went to the same doctor that day. I anticipated getting the blood test, I've never had symptoms anywhere. The visit didn't really go as expected. She told me I'm pretty much guaranteed that I have it. It would basically be a waste of money to test because it would only show wether or not I've been exposed, which we already knew that I had been. I may never show symptoms. That we shouldn't change anything ( although we never did discuss our sexual habits). She basically talked me out of the test. Reminding me that since we've been together and faithful for so many years that the results shouldn't matter if we love eachother. But, after leaving, I regretted not being tested. That I cannot just go on her word. I need some proof it's bothering me. It seems like knowing which strains we may or may not have would be important. I plan to get the blood test soon. Seems irresponsible for the doctor to talk me out of it. If I do happen to be negative for one, I'll make him get tested. If I'm positive for both then I won't care anymore. After research, I'm starting to think that we have both strains. But the doctor told him it's the same thing on his lip. Which I asked her about that. I thought it was unlikely for oral to go to genitals. Herpes dosen''t travel around the body it had to come in contact with the virus on the skin. She told me that eventually everyone with oral herpes will get it on the genitals eventually.
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