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Everything posted by sullengirl388

  1. Thank you for the info! I'm going to just ask that we both get tested and see how she reacts. I've never had a cold sore and don't believe I have become infected but you never know. Thanks, again - I appreciate it!
  2. No - A.) I was basically snooping since I saw pill bottles and was curious as to what they are so I feel shady about that. B.) Awkwarddd. Don't know how or what to say...
  3. I found two separate prescription bottles of Valtrex in my girlfriends' closet. One from January and one from April. Both are for 10 pills and both bottles are full of all 10 pills. So she hasn't taken any...what does this mean? She's never mentioned having herpes and I've obviously never suspected it but just don't understand why someone would have two full prescriptions for Valtrex...
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