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  1. Hi everyone, I'm 27 and from the midwest. I found out I had hsv2 in June. I was seeing a girl and got it after like the 20th time we had sex. She of course never told me before hand, but just last night she admitted to testing positive (and one negative) 20 years ago- she's 46. She claims she had never spread it to anyone else and so assumed she didnt have it. I feel the typical - alone, isolated, afraid, hopeless. I had no one to talk to at all about it because my family is Christian and not open minded. There is one friend I may try to tell later... It is so hopeless...one evil person on your life decides to do this, and you have a lifetime sentence of a scarlett letter. I havent been with any girls since then and probably never will. I probably should look into therapy...anyway that's my intro. Looking forward to hearing from anyone
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