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Everything posted by girl3512

  1. I was diagnosed this week with HSV1 but in the genitals. Lucky me got it from my bf of a year and a half from oral sex with no signs or cold sores on him...ugh. Naturally upon initial diagnoses they said it was HSV2 but blood tests for both of us confirmed the strain. My question is where do I go from here? I know I can pass it on, etc but what is the likelihood of repeated outbreaks? Is it less than HSV2? From my understanding wherever the virus enters is where you will get outbreaks. Do I opt for suppressive therapy or just wait for the next round of hell to hit me? I have been trying to wrap my head around this situation and I am not getting clear answers. I understand that a virus will never go away but I guess I'm wondering what I'm in for or what my next steps should be. My doctor was more interested in stereotyping me and accusing someone of cheating than having an informed discussion. Thanks for your help!
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