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beBravebeBOLD last won the day on August 22 2018

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  1. I appreciate everyone on this forum ❤️ I’m happy we have a community. @Grace78- acupunture ( TCM-traditional Chinese medicine) has a 90% success rate for healing. And TCM is very knowledgeable about herpes. The herbs and techniques saved me. This is also where I was introduced to the algae. I believe any metro city has reputable acupuncturist. Also, my tcm has never been anything other than knowledgeable, supportive and helpful. Each treatment I was met with new ideas and things to help me and also just tons of mental and emotional encouragement because they believe in healing the entire person. - the medical community has failed all of us!! They are no better than a webmd search that we can do on our own. They are stuck regurgitating outdated inaccurate information and it makes me sooo mad. @Ash or anyone else who can chime in. Idk how contagious we are I’m just paranoid all the time. I feel like I was paranoid even when I had no symptoms. I did have protected sex (during a point when I felt better than not) and my partner never got it. He and I also had an unprotected night. (Drunk accident).
  2. Please chronic sufferers I was also on the same boat of having constant issues after 10 years this is a very common problem but it’s understudied and misunderstood by doctors grossly! They should be reprimanded for their lack of brains and thoughts past what a general google search will give you. So please ladies I ditched conventional meds because they are no use but I went with traditional chinois medicine. Look up the efficiency and help acupuncture and the chinoese medicine provide. I was 5 years of suffering until I started with TCM. I also found that I had a skin condition in conjunction with GHSV so that also needed to be addressed and that was done with my pcp ( there are vulvar conditions that mimick H to a T and most doctors over look them if you say herpes first) the skin conditions say they are rare but I have a suspicion that h triggers A LOT of other things and this could be one. (For instant lichen sclorosus= extrem itchiness, burning aching sensations, lesions, and also is triggered by period sex and alcohol) so please make doctors look beyond the HSV diagnosis ohh and also my God send was red marine algae( I want to mention this one pill because I’ve essentially dropped every for this. I’ve tried ozone thereapy (soo expensiv) perioxode protocol, bht protocol, and just about every vitamin so if this one stands out take my 5 years of suffering and researching for your advantage and get it. Also please find an acupuncturist and @grace78 this journey has made me count my blessings and appreciate when my H was just a after thought. The 5 years battle def took me to some really low lows but with God and a lot of research I feel like my old H life is on its return and I’m grateful for that.
  3. Hey K. From reading your story it doesn’t sound like herpes. The biggest tell of herpes would be lesions at least and you haven’t even experienced this. All of your other issues can easily fall under the umbrella of diabetes complications (neuropathy) and maybe you over thinking this situation has just got your nerves fired up. I also think had you picked up the virus from you friend you would have experienced the cold sore before your husband. I say that because you have a weakened immune system so if the virus was going to be able to manifest I’d think you would have had a cold sore. Also, on your separation did your husband become involved with anyone else? If so, oral herpes is VERY common so this may not even be on you...
  4. Hello @I hate first I want you to know that I too contracted hsv1 from my first boyfriend who I lost my virginity to @14. First you are going to be fine HERPES does not define you and I hope you learn sooner than I did that you don’t have to be ashamed or feel unloved because you will find a partner that accepts you and that means ALL of you. At your age I would recommend leaving this little boy. I had to leave my gifter because he TOO kept cheating even after we found out he gave me HERPES!! That was the last straw for me. I figured I’d stay after being diagnose (because I was so young and feared having to date) but after that pos had the nerve to cheat AGAIN I knew I deserved better and I left. The thing about relationships at your age is that they all (high majority) end. Relationships/love in high school seem very real at the time but you haven’t even developed into YOU at this age so giving yourself time to grow and socialize around is very important for many reasons. Don’t bogg yourself down With a boy who’s going to keep disrespecting you with females or any other disrespectful little games he wants to play. You know you were faithful and if he had doubt he should have spoke with you about that vs thinking he is getting even for you cheating?? Those are mind games and him trying to give excuse for him being a wandering dog so don’t fall for that.. You deserve better. I know leaving isnt easier either so If you stay that’s your decision but be mindful of other stds still out there (that he can bring back) and just try to let the relationship run it’s course not making staying dependent on this diagnosis.
  5. Hey @Lilly82. Thanks for sharing your story. Have you heard from him?
  6. Hey. I feel for you and encourage you to have your doctors test you for skin disorders such as lichen simplex chronicus, and lichen Planus because they are skin disorders that directly mimic herpes and when your lesions don’t respond to typical treatments MAKE THE DOCTORS THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX. They will pump you full of valtrex and if there’s something else going on valtrex won’t help. These doctors are very ignorant when it comes to hsv the linked disorders the virus causes you to have . Doctors are dropping the ball left and right with not helping patients at all
  7. Ask your doctors to biopsy your lesions and insure it is herpes. I went several years with doctors being dumb af and not doing a biopsy and I just learned this week that my biopsy came back negative for hsv. I’m going to do another biopsy and blood work next week because they think I have some sort of autoimmune disorder that’s causing a rash NOT HERPES.
  8. Hello, this is a good question and I think your great for having an open mind and understanding for your partners H status but I’d be very cautious if I were you. Your immune system is compromised so it could allow the H virus to be a real nuisance to you. If your system can’t keep H at bay you can have constant recurrences that are nearly impossible to get in front of. There is only really one form of treatment (ie antivirals) and those are very toxic to your liver and kidneys so if you run into this complication it’s not going to be good. Also, I know ppl make Ghsv1 seem “better” than having Hsv2 but I don’t concur with that thought. I have gshv1 and in the last couple of years as a very healthy athletic person who has a restricted diet and works with a naturopathic doctor I’ve still had recurrences that are horrid and take A LOT to get under control. I think you two may want to stick with mutual mastubation or non vaginal sex for the sake of you. There’s a fellow H story on here where a man got hsv from his wife (she was no active etc.) but his body did not like her strain and he’s been battling a year long fight with the most viscous outbreaks he can imagine. I’ll try and find the link for you. And I’m not trying to scare you. But in your case you are at a higher risk for some serious complications.
  9. Sounds like folliculities like the doctors have said. You seem hell bent on having herpes or something.. If 5 doctors said that and you haven’t had traditional herpes symptoms I would think folliculitis. Your swabs are coming back soon and that will give you a definite answer. So maybe relax and stop jinxing yourself for herpes. Also marriage is in sickness and health to death do we part so If your wife took her vows seriously A skin condition shouldn’t crumble a marriage.
  10. Hey Shannon, I think if your body is handling the virus don’t do the antivirals. Use the antivirals to get ahead of bad outbreaks but using it as a daily can cause it to mutate. I’m not sure why drs aren’t preventing misuse of antivirals because they saw with over prescribing antibiotics just how over usage causes bacterial resistance but they are headed in the same direction. With the Absolute lack of information and accurate recording of all the mutations (because drs aren’t doing anything to help with the H battle) I believe herpes resistance will be wide spread. Mine mutated. And that’s because I abused antivirals and used them when I didn’t need to because I was just paranoid about having the diagnosis. No antiviral drugs work for me now and I’ve had the time of my life finding my herbal regimen that works for me. I Thank God I did. Psalms 103: 2-4
  11. In theory the first one is the worst. But I know many people who have varying degrees of recurrences. Some are mild and then some people just have horrible outbreaks here and there.. my first one was the worst, I couldn’t walk for about 3 days. 16byears down the line Ive never had anything as bad, but def had some ob’s close to it. In general just know herpes acts different for everyone sometimes it won’t fall into the “herpes characteristics” so don’t stress if what you read isn’t exactly what you experience
  12. Yes you are correct, in theory hsv1 is milder and less pesty than hsv2. But I’m a 16yr vet with hsv1 genitally and my H started out mild like one would imagine with hsv1 but in the last 5 years my hsv1 has been constantly active down low so in fact for ME. Hsv1 is just like hsv2 at this point...
  13. Lol not dumb at all I’ve never used a dental damn either but I believe a dental damn with a condom will give you the “herpes condom” protection you were thinking about. A dental damn can be made out of a condom so it can be made as big as needed to cover whatever area you desire. And then yes the male could also wear a condom. I’ve never tried this but I think it could work right?
  14. Yeah I think that’s were the use of the dental damn plus condom comes into play. That way you’ll have more coverage.
  15. Hey Beckham i just wanted to chime in and ageee 1000% that hsv is definitely connected to neurological issues! The medical community lacks soo much information and they are spewing out rudimentary bs that has gone by the way side because herpes has evolved! I think it’s very simple to see that every other virus in the hsv family (zosters, Epstein Barr, CMV) causes serious neurological issues but hsv doesn’t?? It makes no sense and is horrible that medical ppl can’t think pass web md! I’ve had H for 16byears and have heard countless stories from vets with serious nerve issues and pains that have been constantly reported but never addressed properly because people with H are left to find our own answers.
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