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  1. Hi @sjj238 amazing! 4 months! you are the real deal! Sorry for the off topic but, could you elaborate more about that HSVI dual zone infection?
  2. Yeah sure, Have you ever watched the dog whisperer? LOL, yeah, I am comparing humans with dogs, what up. So, Cesar Millán says that dogs can feel your energy, absorb it, and project it 2-fold. Your body language, your voice tone, everything, the dog catches and behaves accordingly. Cute guys do the same. You are transmitting your insecurities, your fears, your low self esteem. You had a bad past experience (did i read right? you slept with you bf before disclosing it?) I can smell the scent... sniff snifff you are scared and you will scare him away. You told him that you have a skin condition but then you acted like it was a big deal (you were shaken and all) First, control your feelings like a Zen monk, then down-play the issue, believe in what you say! no need to lie, and obviously don't need to sugarcoat it. Be straight, be fun, be sincere, PROFIT form it. I mean, seriously, you are in total control of the situation. He is absorbing your feelings unconsciously. He doesn't know anything about the H, but he projects himself into you and react likewise. 1.- You go into full panic armaggedon emo girl mode? he will too 2.- You behave like Legolas wearing shades kind of coolness? he will accept it as a minor triviality. And hey! if at the end he decides not to give it a try, H worked for you as a filter for good/bad guys. Its a win-win situation for you!
  3. james81

    Herpes 1

    I wonder if everyone who has HSV I when they were young, now 20 or 30 years later still disclose they have herpes before kissing some one.
  4. Oh Adrial that article just hit the nail. I love that "disease mongering" thing. Yeahm I wonder too why we make a big deal out of it. :-S
  5. Don't put bandages on it. let it breathe! If you get more recurrences in the same spot wear jeans.
  6. So you really have HSV1 and you are freaking out because of the idea of passing into your kids, right? Well, there is a bigger chance that your kinds would get HSV1 in School that you passing it to them. Remember that cold sores = HSV. Fever blisters = HSV How many kids have you seen running around with cold sores? why are you making a big deal out of it? Think is perspective. You have exactly the same virus that you have seen so many times in people's mouth. You are not going to reinfect your husband, since he has developed the right kind of white cells to fight back that specific kind of virus (HSV1) Stay happy!
  7. Ok, herpes is not as well known in Spain (and Europe i guess) as it is in US. I see there is a lot of fuss in US about it, kind of collective hysteria. I had an american gf once and she freaked out (but accepted me and loved me anyways) I have been with girls from other countries, (lol that sounds so douchebaggery) and the all reacted like "so?" And here is my thoughts about 'merica. You guys live in a complete state of fear and paranoia. News broadcasts are all about influx that fear down you throat, making you feel vulnerable and under a constant threat. H is just one of those fears that society has marked as the worst plague in XXI century -among other worst plagues lol- It's that sense of magniloquence drama and spectacle that sells so good and make a big deal out of nothing. I've disclosed four times, and four success. So in my humble experience, we positives, make it to look bigger and nastier than it is. But don't get me wrong, I am ready to hear a NO. I have nothing to lose and that's give me a particular halo that makes me irresistible LOL
  8. Check on internet arginine/lysine ratios on food Long story short, arginine bad, lysine good.
  9. Would you think that it might be better to go to your doctor and find out? In case of an OB, it's not spreading to other areas, simply the H finds another nerve way to reach the skin. I've had a few of them maybe 4 in almost 5 years, the farthest was in my left glute (???) and never had an OB in that spot again.
  10. IF it doens't look like the familiar H blisters, seek for medical advice. Here is some insights about how and why H can appear somewhere else: A recurrence takes place when HSV reactivates in the nerve ganglion at the base of the spinal cord and particles of virus travel along the nerve to the site of the original infection in the skin or mucous membranes (e.g. the skin in or around the genital area). Sometimes, the virus travels down a different nerve causing recurrent symptoms at another site such as the buttocks or thighs.
  11. Hey, I believe for what I have read that you are HSV2 positive, right? You can not infect yourself again in that area. It could be razor bumps, men's daily nightmare Or it could be that you are having an OB somewhere else. Perfectly plausible. Eitherway you are not infecting yourself again. Needless to say, do not share your razors with anyone, just for the hygiene's sake :)
  12. since we are in a quoting spree, I raise to Hemingway
  13. Oh I get it, you just need to vent it out! lol Glad I helped :))
  14. hey, Seems like I didn't express myself properly. I was saying that when we receive a compliment we don't take it seriously, but when someone makes a mean comment we swallow it and drown in our sorrow. We truly believe it. And that's plain and simply wrong. Let me tell you something that you might not like. All these upsetting feelings, sadness, disappointment, are not because of him, of the H for that matter. You are dealing right now with a low self-esteem problem. You are not upset because he quit talking to you. You are upset cause his actions are the proof you were looking for to convince yourself you are not worth it. You need to start working on building some self-esteem. We all go through that phase in our life for one reason of another. I recommend you to read about cognitive psychology, specially the book called "Feeling Good" by Dr David D. Burns. trust me, this is not on of those pseudo-scientific self-help books that you can find in walmart. This is a branch of psychology and he is a real practitioner.
  15. Hi Nigella! One month in and you are talking like that! wow I am speechless. You must be an incredible woman. Your post sent me tons of electrifying positive energy, like a force field that's keeps all the bad thing away. We need to learn a lot from you. There is something though I would like to address in your post. You said you made a stupid decision when you slept with your friend. It was not stupid. It was fine at the time and something happened. In my experience is easy to forgive your friends and family, but it's hard to forgive oneself. For me this is the ultimate sign of love since we all are extremely harsh to ourselves. You didn't make a stupid decision, you just slept with a friend because it was fun. Sex is fun, it's great! How could I probably know? Would I do it again? what if? What if? These question are not taking you anywhere. It was the right decision given the information you had. It's water under the bridge. But again, after one month and you are talking and acting like some one who has overcome the worst part of all. From now on the ride will be fun! enjoy!
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