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Hi everyone, I haven't been around much which is a double edged sword. On one hand, I haven't been around to help others; on the other, I haven't felt in as much need of support for myself. I've definitely come to terms with this diagnosis more than my first post and finding out I had HSV1 felt like getting the diagnosis all over again and starting over. I can honestly say now that even though I had the dark days of crying, suicidal thoughts, and not loving myself very much, I'm out of the darkness. I haven't had a second outbreak which might be part of that, since I can avoid remembering what it felt like to "have" herpes, but either way, I'll take it! This is just a little common virus that people get sometimes, and if it wasn't sexually related, nobody would care!


Anyway, I sorta had the disclosure talk but I cheated a little ;) I got in touch with my ex boyfriend after my most recent breakup and he'd been really supportive but didn't know about herpes. One tough night, I told him and he was the most supportive friend. Since then, we've continued to talk and it looks like we are on the path to getting back together. We've talked about it and he is not worried about it. It's quite a relief to go from the dark place of thinking about constant rejection and loneliness to the moment when you realize that not everyone is going to see this as "the scarlet H". It feels really good to be accepted and I can confidently say I am in a much better place now than I was at the end of July. Hopefully one of you who is struggling reads this and sees that it's true what they say, it just takes time and it gets better. Keep your chins up!

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