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I need help interpreting the Herpes Simplex Igg/Igm test results

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Hey everyone, 

I have been experiencing some genital blisters and ulcers every month starting since March of this year. I believe I was infected by my ex and this is a whole different topic of itself 😞  but I have done three viral culture exams and all three have come out negative. I believe the first two I was too late, meaning it was more than 48 hours after the ulcers and blisters have appeared. The third time it was a recurrent outbreak and the test result came back negative. This last time I also asked for a blood test and I got my results back today. 

Usually my gyno calls me when there is an abnormal result, even when I have a yeast infection but this time I didn't receive a call (I went to another gyno because my primary gyno was out) and I just want to make sure that I am interpreting the test results correctly. I am going to call tomorrow and ask clear questions but wanting to hear from y'all as well. I have an index of >5.00 for both IgG HSV-1 & HSV-2 and IgM of 0.37. 

If I am interpreting right I do have both HSV-1 & HSV-2? 

Also, I appreciate any resources and or tips on how to keep moving forward with this new diagnosis. Thank you!

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Hi there! I hope you're doing okay, and I totally understand your confusion! Typically, swabs are considered to be the more reliable method of diagnosis over a blood test, so that's a little odd that your swabs are coming in negative. I would say, yes, having an index of >5.00 for both HSV-1 and HSV-2 means you are at least carrying it in your system, but try taking another blood test if you want to be sure. I would also talk to your gyno about why the swabs are coming in negative, and if it could be anything else! If it's not HSV causing the ulcers, than you at least want to know what is so that you can treat it!

If it makes you feel any better, you're not alone in your diagnosis confusion. I went in back in 2018 and swabbed positive for genital HSV-1, then have had negative blood tests ever since, and recently had HSV-2 pop up not HSV-1. I'm wondering if I was swabbed incorrectly, but who knows!

As for moving forward, it definitely took a few months to sort it out in my mind. Surround yourself with people you love and make an effort to keep living your life as normally as possible! Soon, you'll wake up with your symptoms under control and realize it's just a dumb common skin disease. Try not to listen to what other people say about it either, because the reality is 1 in 4 to 1 in 6 people around you have it!

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On 7/26/2020 at 8:58 AM, akirn said:

Hi there! I hope you're doing okay, and I totally understand your confusion! Typically, swabs are considered to be the more reliable method of diagnosis over a blood test, so that's a little odd that your swabs are coming in negative. I would say, yes, having an index of >5.00 for both HSV-1 and HSV-2 means you are at least carrying it in your system, but try taking another blood test if you want to be sure. I would also talk to your gyno about why the swabs are coming in negative, and if it could be anything else! If it's not HSV causing the ulcers, than you at least want to know what is so that you can treat it!

If it makes you feel any better, you're not alone in your diagnosis confusion. I went in back in 2018 and swabbed positive for genital HSV-1, then have had negative blood tests ever since, and recently had HSV-2 pop up not HSV-1. I'm wondering if I was swabbed incorrectly, but who knows!

As for moving forward, it definitely took a few months to sort it out in my mind. Surround yourself with people you love and make an effort to keep living your life as normally as possible! Soon, you'll wake up with your symptoms under control and realize it's just a dumb common skin disease. Try not to listen to what other people say about it either, because the reality is 1 in 4 to 1 in 6 people around you have it!

Thank you so much for the support and encouragement! 

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