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Negative test after two positive tests

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I initially tested positive for HSV1 (2.39 IGG) and negative for HSV2 back in early 2019.

I took another test in mid 2019 and tested positive for HSV1 (2.11 IGG) and negative for HSV2.

I just took another herpes test and it came back negative for both.

How is this possible? I've never taken anti-virals, and I can't see why or how I would test negative after testing positive twice. Is this common and/or has it happened to anyone else? What are the chances that this was a false negative?

(Before anyone recommends it, I don't have the money for the Western Blot test.)

15 hours ago, Confused12 said:

How many months after your first outbreak were you tested? 

I've never, to my knowledge, had an outbreak of any kind. I was tested because the person I drunkenly hooked up with later told me that she had herpes (which they now deny). 

I retested simply because I had a full STD screen done, and went ahead an added the HSV1/HSV2 test.


Yep, unfortunately IgG gives a lot of false positives and negatives, which is the go-to herpes blood test that most clinics use. IgM is worse. 

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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