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Question about asymptomatic herpes?

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I have a question...

is it poosible women and men both be asymptomatic? No outbreak at all...or the whole idea of assymptomatic is for men...i don’t really understand this...if there r lots of ppl with asymptomatic hsv1 and hsv2...and cdc does not recommend testing for herpes, then a lot of ppl could be carrier without knowing it and then transmit the virus to the sex partner and then say oops i didn’t know that i’m sorry...is this really fair?

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Yes, about 20% of people in general are asymptomatic and will never have an outbreak. Both men and women. And yes, it's unfortunate that even when you ask to get tested for "everything" that herpes isn't included in that. It does lead to a lot of confusion, ignorance and denial. 

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This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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Lol, that’s not the only option. The other option is to see that everything in life has a risk and everything has a reward. It’s about each person weighing those things for themselves. It’s not so cut and dry to say not to have sex with anyone. 

And yes, if someone is a carrier of HSV, they would also have built up antibodies within about 6 months to a year after contracting. And it’s a spectrum (bell curve) of whether HSV carriers have a lot of outbreaks (small %) a small and manageable amount of outbreaks (large %) or no outbreaks ever (small %). 

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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That’s true...everything in life has risk as well as reward...nothing in the world is risk free...i was diagnosed 17 years ago, i got that from the same person who i lost my virginity...he claimed that he did not know, however i still don’t buy that idea, but anyway i haven’t had outbreak for 7 8 years or even more, but after 17 years i’m not to be able to forget all those pain and depression that i went through...but u know we never know what lies ahead of us, maybe one day there will ba a cure for that and we all laugh at all those pains, denial, stigma and rejections...cheers to that day! 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/15/2020 at 1:39 PM, BeingMe said:

So if anybody is asymptomatic does it mean that their test will come negative? If the test is negative does it mean that the person does not have H?

Asymptomatic means that the test will be positive but they have no symptoms. Meaning they are a carrier and can still potentially spread it without knowing they even have it (if they're not tested).

I am asymptomatic. I only found out I had it because I asked for an STD panel at my OBGYN office and they happened to include HSV. 

I have been in a relationship with my HSV-negative SO for nearly 2 years now.  He knows I am positive, knows the potential risks, and we carry on. He is still negative, and I am still asymptomatic. 

A negative test means that either you 1. Do not have it. or 2. You were exposed but not enough time has passed to come back positive on the test.

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  • 1 month later...
On 12/21/2020 at 7:19 AM, BeingMe said:

@100918 Thank you for the response. So does it mean that there is a possibility that your partner who is negative today can be tested positive in the future?

It's possible that he could test positive in the future. But as of now, he has not gotten it from me...and we take zero precautions at this point. 

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  • mr_hopp changed the title to Question about asymptomatic herpes?

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