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outbreak suddenly changing location/appearance? new recurring paper cut like OB back after 2 years no OB at all...is this HSV2 or something else?

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diagnosed with HSV2 via swab about 3 1/2 years ago. Had two little spider bite looking blisters, swollen lymph nodes, itching and minor pain and eventually they burst and crusted over. Nothing horrible but I knew it was something. Doctor didnt even want to swab (eye roll) but I made them and results came back positive for HSV2. since then I have had one or two similar and even more mild outbreaks but nothing for the past 2 years or so. Recently a few months ago I have been experience an itch i've never felt before..the kind of itch that is like under your skin you cant even get to. always in the same place and only on a 1 inch sized area. when it first happened I got a "cut" that I assumed was from scratching too aggressively. stung when I peed, and bled slightly in the middle, the best way to describe it is if I scraped my skin shaving (not cut, but scraped, like a super super super shallow ulcer area). I didnt think much of it until a month later when it happened again. Same itch, same cut, same exact feeling. Does this sound like herpes? Is it possible my OB has changed the way it presents itself now that it has been a few years? is it normal that my later OB's would move location? why come back all of a sudden? I have read a few posts that describe what I am feeling exactly but most say they have genital HSV1, is this type of appearance only related to that exact kind? important to note I take no anti virals. 

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What you’re describing is exactly what my ob's feel like/look like. How far away are they from the original ob spot? That’s great you went 2 years with no outbreaks though! I’m sure your body will put the virus back in it’s place again. 

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