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Acyclovir Allergy?

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Hello everyone, 

I caught HSV1 on my booty last year, and I’m sure we can all agree, it surely sucks. My friends reassured me that it’s very common and there’s a quick fix to prevent break-outs. The drug they suggested was acyclovir. 

I tried this and it worked a treat. Unfortunately I realised it was doing something else to me; I was breaking out in hives, a sure sign of allergy. 

I’ve discussed  this with a doctor in hope of an alternative, but they’ve stated that I will just have to grin and bear any future breakouts without medication. Surely there must be alternatives? 

If you’re allergic/sensitive to acyclovir, what medications do you opt for?

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Hi, Reading your post has got me thinking that since I was diagnosed with hsv2 over two years ago I habe developed what looks like roseaca or however you spell it on my face. It is a constant red vessel rash on both my cheeks and can be itchy,wondering if taking acyclivor each day is the cause of it. I am nearly over a first outbreak that I haven't had since taking suppresive therapy so it shows it does work and the outbreak wasn't bad at all so I'm thinking weighing the options I will remain on acyclivor and deal with the red face. Maybe see if allergy tablets daily on top help with the hives?

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10 minutes ago, Anonymous88 said:

Hi, Reading your post has got me thinking that since I was diagnosed with hsv2 over two years ago I habe developed what looks like roseaca or however you spell it on my face. It is a constant red vessel rash on both my cheeks and can be itchy,wondering if taking acyclivor each day is the cause of it. I am nearly over a first outbreak that I haven't had since taking suppresive therapy so it shows it does work and the outbreak wasn't bad at all so I'm thinking weighing the options I will remain on acyclivor and deal with the red face. Maybe see if allergy tablets daily on top help with the hives?

I think the risk is that although hives are a bit itchy and a nuisance, you can’t predict allergy. It could be hives one day but anaphylactic shock the next 😞

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